A Former Hotel Manager Explains Why You Should Never Touch These Two Objects In Your Room

A Former Hotel Manager Explains Why You Should Never Touch

In a video posted on her TikTok account, this user, a former hotel manager, slips in a piece of advice and recommends avoiding two particular objects when they are present in your room.

Melissa Hanks is a very popular user on the TikTok social network where she slips many travel tips. This Briton is above all an expert when it comes to hotels since she presents herself as the ex-manager of a hotel establishment and her experience comes out in many videos. One of them has surprised many Internet users across the Channel since it gives them the objects that should never be used in their hotel room… at least without having checked a few points.

Melissa Hans (under the nickname @melly_creations) thus shows the objects present in a hotel room which should not be used with confidence, in the first place of which certain toiletries and hygiene products. She thus takes as an example the refillable bottles of shampoo, shower gel and conditioner which are sometimes found directly in the shower in the form of a large bottle.

Another object to absolutely avoid!

“People could put anything in there, and I’ve seen hair removal product and god knows what else in there.” The reason according to her? These types of self-service dispensers are easily unscrewable. A smart guy who has stayed in the room the previous days can replace the shower gel with any other type of product. There is one exception, however, which tends to spread in hotels: bottles whose opening is locked. “These I will use because if you watch you have to unlock them to open them and reload them”, she notes in this video, viewed more than 1.7 million times and which caused many reactions from Internet users.

“Advice with the shampoo stresses me out. I’m always on the road and I reduce my luggage to a minimum by using the shampoo of the hotel”, notes a surfer. Others say they only use the small single-use bottles or flasks which can also be requested at the reception of certain hotels. Internet users slip additional advice, in particular that of avoiding the teapots and coffee makers available. “I worked in a hotel complex and I saw the maid wipe the toilet and then use the same cloth to wipe the coffee maker! I’m still disgusted”, assures one of them… Mélissa Hanks valid, she who also specifies in this same video that the coffee maker is to be avoided because the cleaning of the machine can leave something to be desired.
