A first testosterone patch for postmenopausal women

A first testosterone patch for postmenopausal women

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    Loss of libido is a common symptom of menopause. To compensate for this low sexual desire, an English university is working on a patch that delivers testosterone. The researchers believe that this innovation could change the lives of postmenopausal women, who do not see any improvement following hormone replacement therapy.

    During menopause, testosterone levels drop drastically. Naturally produced in small amounts in women, testosterone helps maintain muscle mass, bone density, cognitive function and libido. To treat the usual symptoms of menopause, including loss of libido, many women resort to hormone replacement therapy (HRT). But some of them fail to regain sexual desire.

    A testosterone patch

    There are already testosterone creams and gels, but these products feature testosterone doses designed for men. This method therefore presents risks, especially when we know that too large a dose can cause weight gain, acne and increased hair growth in women.

    This is why the English University of Warwick has created a company, Medherantin order to develop the “world’s only testosterone patch for menopause“. The researchers will launch a first clinical trial in the fall of 2023. Currently, there are no clinically approved testosterone delivery patches for women suffering from adverse menopausal symptoms. Only estrogen delivery patches combined with progesterones are approved.

    “It could be a product that is badly needed and simply not available. With the technology already proven, we can use our new patch to eliminate unnecessary suffering from women’s daily lives. We hope this will transform the lives of those suffering from post-menopausal issues on a national and even global level.” says David Hiddleton, professor of chemistry at the University of Warwick and founder of Medherant in a statement.

    Innovative technology

    The British company has designed a patch that allows a controlled and regular release of testosterone, especially for postmenopausal women. This innovative technology is different from other testosterone patches on the market, which use gel-based adhesives to release testosterone. It is also smaller, which makes it more practical and discreet to wear. If the patch receives regulatory approval, it will be introduced in the UK and will be the only testosterone replacement patch available worldwide.

    In 2019, a study American reported that 40% of women over 60 had a low libido, due to symptoms related to the post-menopausal period, including vaginal dryness. Since 2015, the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence, an English organization dependent on the Ministry of Health, has recommended an additional supply of testosterone for postmenopausal women with loss of libido if HRT is not sufficient.
