A first in the world: 100 days with artificial heart managed to survive!

Australia A man in his 40s from Sydney survived the artificial heart for 100 days and passed to the history of medicine. Every year World While more than 23 million people struggle with heart failure, only 6,000 people can find a suitable donor heart. For patients suffering from heart failure, Bivacor offers a solution that can be an alternative to organ donation.

It can completely replace the human heart

According to the news in The Guardian; Born in Queensland Invented by Daniel Timms, Bivacor Total artificial heart mimics the natural blood flow of a healthy heart. This device is the first implanted blood pump in the world that can completely replace the human heart.

The implant, which is still in the early stages of clinical research, is usually designed for patients with other disorders (most common heart attacks and coronary heart disease, but other diseases such as diabetes), or the heart of the heart causes the heart effectively causing blood pumping into the body.

The Australian government launched a $ 50 million support program to develop and commercialize this technology.

100 -day record

Australia, the name of the new Southern Wales, who was not disclosed, had serious heart failure, and volunteered to be the first in Australia and the sixth time in the world. The Australian patient was Bivacor artificial heart transplant in November 2024 at the ST Vincent Hospital in Sidney, a six -hour operation directed by Cardioral and Transplant Surgeon Paul Jansz.

The first five implants previously tried in the USA was held in the United States last year and all of them were installed in donor hearts before they were discharged from the hospital; The longest time between implant and transplant was 27 days. However, the patient in Australia survived a completely artificial heart for 100 days and made an important record.

The patient was discharged in February and found a suitable donor heart in March and had a successful transplant operation.

Surgeon performed surgery. Paul Jansz describes this medical success as ği the realization of a dream they have worked on for years ”. Chris Hayward emphasized that Bivacor would create an international revolution in the treatment of heart failure.
