A first from Boeing-made Starliner! Successfully docked with the International Space Station

A first from Boeing made Starliner Successfully docked with the International

Boeing, which carries out various space studies such as SpaceX, has achieved significant success with its spacecraft CST-100 Starliner.


Boeing’s new spacecraft, Starliner, has managed to dock with the International Space Station for the first time. Launched from Cape Canaveral Space Force Base with a United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket as part of a very important uncrewed mission called Orbital Flight Test 2 (OFT-2), the vehicle has revealed that it can carry people to the station in the future.

The capsule, developed by Boeing, was made to transport NASA’s astronauts to and from the space station.

The Starliner will leave the International Space Station after a short stay and sail away from the station for its return home.

Boeing, which wanted to showcase the talent of Starliner for a long time, had struggled with various problems.
