a first Council of Ministers dominated by the security crisis

In Burkina Faso the new government recalls its priorities

After making contact and being installed, the members of the government held a Council of Ministers around the Head of State, Lieutenant-Colonel Paul Henri Damiba. An appointment dominated by the security situation. The Minister of National Defence, the National Theater Operations Commander and the Director of the National Intelligence Agency all provided updates.

With our correspondent in Ouagadougou, Yaya Boudani

This first Council of Ministers, after making contact, was dominated by the security issue.

The Minister of National Defence, the Commander of National Theater Operations, responsible for coordinating all security operations on national territory, and the Director of the National Intelligence Agency, took turns update on the security situation.

This enabled the entire government to take full measure of the situation, marked by the continuation of the attacks. ” The country is in a very serious security crisis “, reports the spokesperson for the new government.

Operations are underway, particularly in Djibo, and military strategies are being deployed on the ground “, emphasizes Lionel Bilgo. ” They cannot be explained to the public, not only to guarantee the security of the security and defense forces deployed in the field, but also to guarantee the result of this action. “, he continued.

The humanitarian situation is also worrying in the country, but actions have been taken to provide access for displaced populations and host communities to basic social services, the government spokesman said.

In addition, President Paul Henri Damiba is strengthening his team at the level of the presidency. New advisers and director of communication have been appointed.

Read also: Well-known figures in the new transitional government in Burkina Faso
