A firm no to the left, reactions follow one after the other

A firm no to the left reactions follow one after

Status quo until the end of the Olympic Games. Emmanuel Macron will not appoint a government before mid-August, and the candidacy of Lucie Castets (NFP) as Prime Minister will be rejected. A position castigated by the left.

08:13 – Jean-Luc Mélenchon calls on Emmanuel Macron to resign

“The President refuses the result of the election and wants to forcefully impose his new Republican Front on us and force us to renounce our program to form an alliance with him. That is out of the question. Respect the vote of the French. He must submit or resign!” declared the three-time presidential candidate Jean-Luc Mélenchon, this Tuesday, July 23, after the interview with the President of the Republic.

08:10 – “Denial is the worst policy”, Olivier Faure castigates Emmanuel Macron

“The Republican Front is not a program, but a democratic reflex. Emmanuel Macron is attempting a culpable diversion. When elections are called at the risk of chaos, the result is respected. Denial is the worst policy. The one that leads to the worst policy” denounces the first secretary of the PS and deputy of the 11th constituency of Seine-et-Marne, Olivier Faure sur X after the head of state almost ruled out the candidacy of Lucie Castets (NFP) as Prime Minister.

08:07 – “This president is very dangerous” regrets Fabien Roussel (PCF)

“This President is decidedly very dangerous. Locked in his bubble, cut off from the people, he refuses to appoint the candidate for the post of Prime Minister proposed by the coalition that came out on top in the elections. Extreme violence for our democracy,” complains the leader of the Communists Fabien Roussel after Emmanuel Macron’s interview this Tuesday evening on France 2.

08:03 – “Emmanuel Macron must come out of denial” says Marine Tondelier (EELV)

The reactions were not long in coming on the left after Emmanuel Macron’s speech concerning the nomination of a future government, almost naturally dismissing the NFP’s proposal to appoint Lucie Castets as Prime Minister. Emmanuel Macron is “totally out of step with reality”, he “could qualify without any problem for all the rowing events of the Olympics” declared Marine Tondelier, leader of the Ecologists to AFP. According to her, he “must appoint Lucie Castets, he has no choice.

“Emmanuel Macron must come out of denial. We have won, we have a program, we have a Prime Minister. Our voters are now waiting for the implementation of our social justice and environmental justice measures, which they have demanded. The President cannot obstruct them like this,” she continued, on LCI.

07/23/24 – 11:39 p.m. – Emmanuel Macron looks ahead to the Olympics

With this interview, after remaining relatively silent since his defeat in the legislative elections, Emmanuel Macron hopes to be able to focus on the Olympic Games. A few days before the opening ceremony, the head of state’s schedule is focused on this global event. But he has still not set a clear deadline for appointing a Prime Minister to replace the resigning Gabriel Attal, who is in charge of current affairs.

07/23/24 – 11:02 p.m. – Unanimous reactions on the left

“Emmanuel Macron who locks everything up, until mid-August, so as not to have to recognize that we came out on top,” deplored Sandrine Rousseau, an environmentalist MP. For the national coordinator of La France insoumise, Manuel Bompard, Emmanuel Macron “erases the result of the legislative elections.” “This is an unbearable denial of democracy. In France, there is no presidential right of veto when the people express themselves,” castigated the MP from Marseille.

07/23/24 – 10:32 p.m. – Bruno Retailleau approves the idea of ​​an Olympic truce

The leader of the right-wing senators, Bruno Retailleau, agrees to let the resigning government “endure the time of an Olympic truce, but certainly not beyond,” reports AFP. “September is too long” to have a real executive, he said. Purchasing power, public finances, security, immigration and the functioning of public services… This Monday, Laurent Wauquiez and Bruno Retailleau presented a list of laws that the right-wing group would commit to voting for, without however entering into a “government pact.”

07/23/24 – 10:11 p.m. – Marine Le Pen reacts to the interview with the “chief commentator”

The president of the RN group in the National Assembly, Marine Le Pen, tackles the head of state. “The chief commentator Emmanuel Macron came to tell us that ‘it is not good to deprive the RN of positions’ and that it would be good to create a single party from LFI to LR via Macronie to govern. And of course none of it is his fault… it is still poor,” she wrote on X.

07/23/24 – 9:58 p.m. – Marine Tondelier addresses Emmanuel Macron

Faced with the President of the Republic’s refusal to appoint a new government before the end of the Olympic Games, Marine Tondelier addressed him on LCI. “You asked the French a very clear question: do you want cohabitation? They answered you massively, and just as clearly. Now we must listen to them, and appoint Lucie Castets,” she said.

07/23/24 – 9:16 p.m. – “Emmanuel Macron attempts culpable diversion,” judges Olivier Faure

While Emmanuel Macron has stated that he will not appoint a new government before the end of the Olympic Games, “mid-August”, this decision is widely contested on the left. “E. Macron is attempting a culpable diversion. When elections are called at the risk of chaos, the result is respected. Denial is the worst policy”, believes the First Secretary of the Socialist Party, Olivier Faure.

07/23/24 – 9:01 p.m. – Jean-Luc Mélenchon is outraged by Emmanuel Macron’s choice

Emmanuel Macron “wants to forcefully impose his republican front on us,” laments Jean-Luc Mélenchon in reaction to the head of state’s interview. The president announced earlier in an interview that he would not appoint a new prime minister before the end of the Olympic Games, while the NFP had agreed to appoint Lucie Castets.

07/23/24 – 8:53 p.m. – End of Emmanuel Macron’s speech

The interview with the President of the Republic has just ended.

07/23/24 – 8:48 p.m. – “The Games are a life lesson,” says Emmanuel Macron

“We need to be in the top 5” for the Olympics, believes Emmanuel Macron. “Let’s apply the recipe of the Games to the country for the day after,” hopes the President of the Republic. “The Games are a life lesson,” he added, refusing to reveal the details of the ceremony. “There will even be surprises and names that you will not have thought of,” he promised.

07/23/24 – 8:39 p.m. – Emmanuel Macorn’s response to Celine Dion’s presence at the Olympics

After politics, it’s time for the Olympic Games. Emmanuel Macron wants to keep the opening ceremony a secret. “I would be immensely happy if Celine Dion could be present at the opening ceremony,” he said, with a wry smile, which invites us to “rise to the occasion.”

07/23/24 – 8:34 p.m. – No resignation for Emmanuel Macron

Emmanuel Macron rules out the possibility of resigning. The head of state also does not want a new dissolution, hoping that the different parties will reach an agreement.


Emmanuel Macron will speak this Tuesday, July 23 in an exclusive interview as announced by France 2 in a press release. Three days before the opening ceremony of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games, the president will be live for France Télévisions and Radio France starting at 8:10 p.m. The interview should last about twenty minutes. He will answer questions from Thomas Sotto and Nathalie Iannetta live from the Trocadéro set in the 8 p.m. news on France 2.

Emmanuel Macron will take advantage of this interview to return to the current French political situation. This will also be his first interview since the second round of the legislative elections. While the NFP won the legislative elections without a majority, a deadlock has since emerged. The president has accepted the resignation of Prime Minister Gabriel Attal, but the latter remains in office to take care of current affairs. According to his wishes, the appointment of a new government could then only take place after the Olympic Games. Emmanuel Macron will provide some details on this subject, but given the length of the interview, which is very short, it is possible that the head of state will evacuate questions of domestic politics very quickly.

The Head of State will also not fail to mention the exceptional period that France is about to go through with the Olympic and Paralympic Games. “Emmanuel Macron will return to the French political situation and will speak about the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games 3 days before the Opening Ceremony,” the channel’s press release states.

This interview is announced as the president affirmed on Monday, July 22, that the Olympic Games should be a period of “sporting celebration” and “political truce.” “It is the Games that will be at the heart of the life of the country and the world will be in France thanks to them,” he insisted. It is a safe bet that he will reiterate this call on Tuesday. He assured that the Games were “not at all” spoiled by the dissolution of the National Assembly that he decided on June 9.
