A few months after its introduction, the Booster option of the Free Mobile package at 2 euros is changing: for 2.99 euros per month, it now gives access to unlimited telephony and 1 GB of data in 4G. Not bad, but some operators do better
As it had promised the previous year, Free Mobile had finally upgraded its “small” package to 2 euros in the fall of 2022. More precisely, the operator offered its subscribers a paid option called Booster which enriched the famous economical formula. Billed at 2.99 euros per month, it allowed you to make unlimited phone calls – instead of the 2 hours included in the basic package – and to take advantage of 600 MB of mobile data – instead of the meager 50 MB included in the package. basic. A welcome enrichment, if not very generous in terms of data, insofar as several virtual operators – known as MVNOs – offer more for an equivalent price. What the rebel operator seems to have finally understood, by slightly reviewing his copy.
Booster option: an economical formula for Freebox subscribers
In fact, the Booster option launched at the end of September 2022 is changing – in the right direction – in January 2023. If the price does not change, the envelope of usable data increases to 1 GB. A “rounder” number, but above all more in line with the market and the current needs of “small” data consumers. Be careful however, the activation of this option is charged 10 euros! A sum to be paid obviously only once. In addition, beyond the included gigabyte, each additional megabyte is charged 5 cents…
In detail, these supplements can be used in mainland France and Europe – with unlimited calls to the overseas departments (excluding Mayotte) –, SMS and MMS remaining unlimited in mainland France – only SMS to the overseas departments. All under the usual conditions, that is to say without commitment, and only in 4G.
If not amazing, this development remains interesting, especially for Freebox subscribers who can take advantage of the basic package for zero euros – only one subscription per household, however. In fact, for barely 3 euros per month, they can benefit from unlimited calls and a sufficient volume of data to check emails, exchange from time to time on social networks or occasionally use GPS guidance, the envelope 1 GB not allowing more comfortable use. So this “boosted” formula won’t suit everyone, especially users who make heavy use of mobile data – for example to watch streaming videos away from a Wi-Fi network. But it seems perfectly suited to use in a family setting, to maintain contact with children.
Tempted by the Booster option? You can take advantage of it very easily, online, without having to travel, whether you already subscribe or not.
- If you don’t have a package yet, go to the Free Mobile site, subscribe to the €2 package and, when registering, simply check the Booster option when it is offered. It will be activated automatically, at the same time as your line.
- If you already have a €2 pass, go to your Subscriber space on the Free website or with the mobile application, go to the section Manage my optionsclick on Booster option – without obligation. Take note of the conditions and prices, accept them by checking the appropriate box, then click on Subscribe to the offer and confirm your choice to validate. The option is immediately activated!
All Free Mobile plans
Free Mobile’s offer is the simplest of the four “big” operators since it is limited to three formulas: the “small” package at 2 euros – which now has the Booster option -, the “big” package unlimited – with a reduced rate for Freebox subscribers – and a promotional plan whose data envelope varies according to the promotions. Please note that the latter is only valid for one year: it then automatically switches to the more expensive unlimited plan.

19.99 €
Free 5G plan
Unlimited calls
Unlimited SMS/MMS
210 GB 5G internet
Network: Free
Without engagement
Network: Free
Without engagement

14.99 €
for 12 months then 19.99 € / month
Free Series 110 GB
Unlimited calls
Unlimited SMS/MMS
110 GB 4G+ Internet
Network: Free
Without engagement
Network: Free
Without engagement

2.00 €
Package 2 euro
2 hours
Unlimited SMS/MMS
50 MB 4G+ internet
Network: Free
Without engagement
Network: Free
Without engagement
It is therefore a safe bet that many Freebox subscribers will adopt this option to improve their daily lives. For the others, the “increased” plan will cost 4.99 euros per month, which puts it exactly at the level of the competition, in particular Bouygues Telecom and SFR which offer similar offers for around 5 euros per month via their B&YOU and RED The advantage of Free Mobile is that it does not increase the price after a few months in return for additional data or services, a common practice with certain operators… Unfortunately, unlike what happened a year ago or two, you can’t find a super advantageous package at these prices anymore. Some people probably remember the offers with unlimited calls at 5 euros per month with 20 GB of data at B&YOU or RED, or a package at 3 euros per month with 5 GB of data at Cdiscount Mobile, but this era seems to be over. Too bad, because these volumes of data are more than enough for intermediate use – which corresponds to what most users require. To maintain their income and their margins, operators – both traditional and virtual – now seem to prefer to offer more expensive formulas, with more data, even if they are useless for many…