A father uses AI to put his children to sleep and the result is stunning

A father uses AI to put his children to sleep

Do you have trouble getting your children to sleep at night? A father got help from artificial intelligence to invent more creative stories… And his children are fans!

Many parents dream of putting their children to sleep all at once, without crying or tears. It must be said that in some families, children’s bedtime is a dreaded moment, which generally draws all the energy from the parent who has devoted himself to it. What if we told you that there was a way to make your cherubs fall more easily into the arms of Morpheus?

You are not convinced ? An American father tested artificial intelligence to tell bedtime stories to his two daughters and the result is quite astonishing to say the least, report our colleagues The Guardian. The experience was recounted by the mother, Sophie Brickman, columnist for the newspaper. One evening, while her husband was putting their children to bed, she heard him tell them a very specific story. The kind of story that seems straight out of a book, it is so gripping. Totally surprised, the mother wonders how this is possible, and above all where her husband gets this sudden creativity, because she is the writer in the family. He works in fund investment.

“It’s ChatGPT”, the tool that allows you to chat with artificial intelligence, her husband replied as he left their daughters’ room. He admits, he regularly asks the tool to create tailor-made stories for him with key words, those spoken by his daughters. The result is more than conclusive, because the children enjoy the plot that is told. On paper, the tool is very practical, it helps the child fall asleep, but it should still be used in moderation. The mother actually expressed a reservation after doing some tests. The text produced by ChatGPT can inspire and serve as a starting point for another story, this time invented by the parent, but it should not be repeated as is, because sometimes enormities can be hidden there. On the other hand, it can be very useful to you if your child refuses to sleep.
