A Destiny 2 player has spoken out on Reddit. He is a family man and passionate gamer. However, his Destiny account has now been banned – which annoys him greatly. The community is looking for explanations for this.
What does the player say? In his post on Reddit, user Drewwbacca1977 introduces himself as a “desperate Destiny dad.” He turns to the community with his problem and hopes to attract some attention.
His Destiny account was blocked by Bungie. The player does not know why this happened. What he does know is that Destiny 2 is his great passion. He has spent over 5,000 hours in the game and has been a fan of the brand for ten years, which recently received a major expansion with The Final Shape.
The father spent many happy hours playing with his son, who is currently thirteen years old. He is also a passionate gamer who also loves Minecraft and Fortnite. The Destiny sessions he and his father play together are a special highlight in their lives.
Accordingly, the player has a lot of connections with Destiny 2 and his account. He says he has many good memories attached to it. The fact that the account was suddenly banned for no apparent reason annoys him. His son would even be shocked by it. The Reddit community read the post and is now trying to help.
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“I have never cheated in an online game”
What could be reasons for the ban? To take the wind out of the sails of hasty assessments, the father clarifies: “I have never cheated in an online game. I am an average player.” So cheats are not the problem.
He also said he had just updated his PC hardware. There were no network problems or anything like that. He plays on the Xbox from time to time, for example when he is traveling to other cities.
This is exactly where some users on Reddit suspect a possible reason for the ban. “The system probably discovered a new location and thought it was a recovery,” believes Last-Idea9985 on Reddit.
This means that players give their account to others, which in some cases can lead to a ban. User TY-KLR agrees with the previous speaker on Reddit and says: “I thought the same thing. I’m afraid to play on my Destiny account when I visit my cousin or family, with all the stories I’ve seen.”
According to user Solesaver on Reddit, another reason could be that the father purchased content for Destiny 2 from a key reseller who in turn purchased the key with a stolen credit card.
Overall, however, the father sees himself as innocent – there does not seem to be an obvious reason for the ban as in the case of the German streamer Lachegga.
How can the problem be solved? Some users suggest contacting a community manager and explaining the case in detail. This could determine whether this is a mistake. In the best case, the account will be unlocked again.
The father is even given specific names he can turn to. His Reddit post has now been voted up by the community. We can only hope that Bungie will take up the matter and that the Destiny fan can go on adventures with his son again. One of the best players in Destiny 2 has also been banned – read what this is all about on MeinMMO.