A farmer discovered a monolith planted in his field in Australia!

A farmer discovered a monolith planted in his field in

In the middle of a field somewhere in Australia, a sheep farmer came across… a monolith planted in the ground. About 2.5 meters high. The remains of an alien craft? Of course not. Space debris of terrestrial origin.

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In New South Wales (Australia), a sheep farmer made an astonishing discovery a few days ago. A kind of monolith Of type 2001: A Space Odyssey ». Space debris about 2.5 meters high planted in his field. He is not the only one. Two of his neighbors also found similar remains on their property. All after locals reported hearing a deafening noise. So, is it an extraterrestrial craft victim of a bad maneuver?

Certainly not, say the experts. However, engineers from the Australian Space Agency (ASA) went there to analyze the debris in question. All within the framework of a government plan which aims to control the re-entry into our atmosphereof the space debris . History to define the responsibilities of each other in the matter.

More debris from the SpaceX mission to be discovered

Before them, Brad Tucker, a astrophysicist from the Australian National University had previously shared its findings. According to him, this was the remains of a SpaceX capsule. And this for many reasons. First because the noise described by locals is the time the SpaceX Crew-1 Trunk — the lower, unpressurized portion of the capsule — was reported to enter our atmosphere. Then because the place where the debris was found aligns almost perfectly with the reentry trajectory of the craft.

ASA experts confirm this. And all expect other debris fromSpaceXcan be found in the weeks or even months to come. They call on those who come across them to avoid handling them and to contact the company’s dedicated service instead.Elon Musk. By phone or email at [email protected].

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