A far-right politician burned the Koran in a demonstration in front of the Turkish embassy in Stockholm

A far right politician burned the Koran in a demonstration in

According to the Swedish media, Rasmus Paludan criticized the Turkish president and then set the Muslim holy book on fire.

21.1. 15:23•Updated 21.1. 16:09

Swedish-Danish far-right politician Rasmus Paludan has carried out his threat and burned the Muslim holy book Koran in front of the Turkish embassy in Stockholm.

The demonstration started at 2 pm in Stockholm’s Diplomatstaden, north of Djurgården. Swedish media (you switch to another service) according to Paludan criticized the Turkish president and then set fire to the Muslim holy book.

The Swedish public broadcasting company SVT was there to monitor the situation. The burning of the Koran was not visible in SVT’s photos. Videos of the burning Quran went viral On Twitter (you will switch to another service).

Dozens of people, media representatives and several police officers were there in the afternoon. The police had also cordoned off the area.

Recep Tayyip Erdoğan supporter Devlet Bahçeli commented that because of the incident, Turkey is not going to accept Sweden’s NATO application. The reporter tells about it Ragip Soylu on his Twitter.

Also other Turkey-related demonstrations

Earlier today, Turkey recalled Sweden’s defense minister Pål Jonson’s because of the protest of the visit and called on the Swedish authorities to prevent the protest against Turkey.

Two other demonstrations related to Turkey will also be held in Turku on Saturday, he says Aftonbladet (you switch to another service). One of Saturday’s demonstrations concerns opposition to Sweden’s NATO membership, and the other is organized in support of the Turkish president.

Sources: Reuters, SVT
