“A dunce!” Catastrophic results, failed diploma… Jordan Bardella left university with a failure

A dunce Catastrophic results failed diploma Jordan Bardella left university

Le Canard Enchaîné has revealed Jordan Bardella’s grades at the Sorbonne University, which he left without a degree.

“At university, he was one of the dunces,” concludes the Canard Enchaîné, which reveals in its edition of Wednesday, July 3, the student career of a Jordan Bardella with… less than brilliant results. Born on September 13, 1995 in Drancy, in Seine-Saint-Denis, he began his school career at the private high school Jean-Baptiste-de-La-Salle, in Saint-Denis, where he obtained a bac ES with honors. Jordan Bardella then tried to enter Science-Po Paris, but failed the competitive exam and entered the Sorbonne University, in the first year of geography, coupled with a double course in history and Spanish.

It is on this school sequence that we return The chained Duck. In the first year of his double degree, with an average of 5/20 reported by the web-footed bird, Jordan Bardella was forced to drop out to concentrate on geography. He finally validated his first year of degree in this subject with an average of 10.5/20 in the first semester, 12.75 in the second, a mark raised in resits by a 17.5 in… aikido. This would be the only diploma he would obtain.

After three difficult years of his degree and “a majority of zero marks”, he obtained an overall mark of 1.8/20 in the last semester of his degree. In the resits, the only subject he took, on the European Union, earned him the good mark of 14/20. This was not enough to validate his diploma.

“Ghost contract” and lucrative part-time work

Jordan Bardella ended his studies and got involved in politics. He already had his National Front card from high school. At the age of 19, he became departmental secretary and was elected regional councilor of Ile-de-France after leading the FN list in his department. He also landed “a four-and-a-half-month contract as a shadow parliamentary assistant” with FN MEP Jean-François Jalkh, Le Canard also recalls.

The future face of the party then took care of communication on the social networks of Florian Philippot, then right-hand man of Marine Le Pen. In 2015, he was granted a part-time job as treasurer of the RN – which had changed its name in the meantime – for 1,200 euros net per month, or double the minimum wage at the time, specifies the weekly. He then became spokesperson for the RN and, after the 2019 elections, a European deputy. He was then only 23 years old.
