A disturbingly beautiful horror film that grips you right to the end

A disturbingly beautiful horror film that grips you right to

There are films that you can hardly get enough of. And still hardly dares to look. A Cure for Wellness is such a film. The horror film narrated by Pirates of the Caribbean creator Gore Verbinski the spooky story of a lonely mountain castle in beguilingly beautiful images that are disturbing at the same time until the end. The shocker is now available on Disney+.

On Disney+: A Cure for Wellness disturbed with hauntingly beautiful images

A Cure for Wellness sounds a bit like a Dracula variation: The New York broker Lockhart (Dane DeHaan) is said to be one of his bosses from a mysterious wellness resort in the Swiss Alps to fetch. There is no trace of him there, but in the monstrous castle setting he meets the senior doctor Dr. Volmer (Jason Isaacs). His treatment methods seem very idiosyncratic to the young man. And when he has an accident on the way back to the village, he is accommodated in the resort of all places to heal.

Check out the trailer for A Cure for Wellness:

A Cure for Wellness – Trailer 3 (German) HD

Even if Lockhart is reminiscent of Jonathan Harker and the Alps of the Kapaten, A Cure for Wellness soon unfolds its very own pull.

An incredibly detailed composed picture of a castle panorama, gloomy staircases, venerable rooms, cauldrons, glass pipettes and hoses creates a dense atmosphere that is based on the tradition of gothic horror. In addition to Verbinski, cameraman Bojan Bazelli (Ring) and the equipment around Eve Stewart (The King’s Speech) did a great job.

This also applies to the cast, who lead the story, which is rich in spooky secrets, to a brilliant finale. DeHaan’s troubled employee is for Isaac’s condescending paternal doctor the welcome food. Mia Goth (X) also makes a great impression as the mysterious resident of the castle.

Verbinski has these elements forged into unique horror, which will particularly appeal to fans of historical horror. Unfortunately, the film was not successful at the box office (Boxofficemojo) and with the critics (via Metacritic). The hauntingly beautiful sight of A Cure of Wellness is now available to everyone on Disney+.

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There are a few real highlights waiting for you in the streaming area this year. Netflix in particular has announced a host of promising films. In the podcast stream browsing, we give an overview of which projects the anticipation is particularly great.

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With genres such as science fiction, action, comedy, fantasy, animation and more, Netflix, Disney+ and AppleTV+ are guaranteed to have something for all tastes – whether you’re looking for the new film by Martin Scorsese, the next Disney remake or the film adaptation of yours favorite novel.

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