A disastrous re-imagining of a sci-fi masterpiece, remade 12 minutes longer

A disastrous re imagining of a sci fi masterpiece remade 12 minutes

With the Philip K. Dick adaptation Total Recall, Paul Verhoeven delivered a sci-fi masterpiece starring Arnold Schwarzenegger in the early 1990s. A remake starring Colin Farrell was released in 2012, which was mainly a interchangeable action blockbuster with superficial sci-fi show values has become.

Total Recall Remake is now available to stream on Netflix with a subscription. There is at least a 12-minute longer Director’s Cut of the film.

Sci-Fi Disappointment: Total Recall is a redundant remake

The remake is just like the original about the factory worker Douglas Quaid (Farrell), who wants to use a new technology to spend a vacation on Mars as a fake memory. However, the plan goes awry and Quaid instead reminisces about an alternate identity in which he is a secret super spy.

Compared to Paul Verhoeven’s first film, this Len Wiseman remake is too smooth. The rough edges and bold imagery of the original give way to a glossy blockbuster that without catchy action and nasty humor passes you by.

There is a longer version of the new Total Recall

On DVD and Blu-ray * a 12-minute longer Director’s Cut was released, adding new scenes and changing moments of content. Here, among other things, it is revealed that in addition to the memories of the main character physical appearance also changed became. A hologram video briefly features Ethan Hawke as the original personality of Colin Farrell’s protagonist.

Podcast for series fans: 15 sci-fi highlights starting this year on Netflix, Disney+ and more

In the coming months, there will be franchise replenishments from Star Trek, Star Wars and the MCU as well as lots of other new genres to be discovered on Netflix, Disney+ and Co. In the podcast we take a closer look at 15 innovations that will be launched this year.

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