After recent releases, the Correctional Service has stopped all planned care transports. Both exemptions have a common denominator: access to a telephone. – We are in a part of a development where we need to take further measures, says Director General of the Correctional Service Mats Holmgren. Two dismissals within the space of two months – “Scandalous” thinks Ulf Kristersson. Today, Strömmer met the Director General of the Correctional Service, Martin Holmgren, to demand answers. The meeting resulted in all planned transports now being paused. – In a short time, we have been able to establish two exemptions in basically the same way. Then you realize that we are part of a development where we need to take further measures, says Martin Holmgren. – We have canceled all transport within healthcare and dental care and are starting work to rebook at new times. Then we can ensure that the person deprived of their liberty knows neither what time it will be nor where. To give us an additional margin of safety. What Martin Holmgren sees as the common denominator is that both have been able to plan the escape, something he now wants to put extra focus on: – The telephony opportunities with the outside world is a very important part to access. Creating unpredictability in the face of transport – that is actually the most important safety function that we can work with. Had information about the tendency to escape According to Holmgren, sufficient security measures had been taken before and during the 17-year-old’s escape: – We had information that there was a tendency to escape in the person deprived of his liberty. Therefore, we had strengthened with three correctional officers and he had a waist prison. But continues further: – In retrospect, if we had had a feeling or understanding that there was a risk of release, then we would not have even carried out the transport at this time. And used a police transport at a later stage. This is how we can prevent exemptions – listen to the director general of the correctional service in the player above.