a deportation operation despite the 2019 agreement between Paris and Moroni on migrants

a deportation operation despite the 2019 agreement between Paris and

Since the announcement of this campaign to destroy places occupied in Mayotte by migrants deemed illegal and their expulsion to the neighboring Comorian, the two countries have mutually rejected responsibility for the alarming situation in Mayotte. However, a framework agreement on the subject was signed in 2019 between the French and Comorian governments.

From the first pages, the 2019 framework agreement sets out its objectives: fight against traffickers of migrants and control uncontrolled population movements between the islands “. The text announces a renewed partnership, with an envelope of 150 million euros for development projects on the archipelago, it clearly commits the two parties to fight against illegal departures to Mayotte and ensure the movement of people between the islands in ” concerted and secure management “. The Comoros undertake to prevent irregular departures of kwassa boats to Mayotte while France supports the archipelago in its care of the people expelled.

RFI was unable to reach the French authorities, but senior government and state dignitaries in the Comoros believe they have fulfilled their part of the contract. In 2022, for example, France returned more than 25,000 migrants to the archipelago with the benevolence of Moroni, proof of the good relations between the two countries. But since theOperation Wuambushuthe Comorian authorities present themselves as collateral victims of French domestic politics.

Clearly, the Minister of the Interior and Overseas Gérald Darmanin pursues his policy alone, and the French government lets it go. With the presidential election of 2024, President Assoumani does not want to incur the wrath of his population by massively welcoming delinquents and criminals, described as such by Minister Darmanin.

►Also read: The maritime link between Mayotte and the Comorian island of Anjouan will not resume
