A daffodil against cancer: the Institut Curie is committed to research

A daffodil against cancer the Institut Curie is committed to

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    This March 15 marks the national launch of the Institut Curie’s 18th campaign called “A Daffodil Against Cancer”. From March 15 to 27, the Institute aims to raise 1 million euros to support research and medical innovation for cancer patients.

    This 2022 edition of a “Daffodil against cancer” is dedicated to cancers in adolescents and young adults. Institut Curie wishes to focus on these young patients for whom research offers hope for the development of new treatments and cures.

    National campaign launched today

    Throughout this month, the Institut Curie is organizing many events across France or online. The aim of these highlights is to raise money (one million euros is the target) through the sale of daffodils, to improve the survival and quality of life of young patients affected by cancer.

    No longer quite children and not yet adults, 15-25 year olds are going through a transition stage with crucial psychological and societal challenges. Through its dedicated unit, the Institut Curie has been providing comprehensive, adapted and personalized care for adolescents and young adults for the past ten years. explains Prof. Steven Le Gouill, Director of the Institut Curie Hospital Complex.

    Objective: to improve the treatment and recovery of young patients

    Each year, nearly 2,300 new patients, aged 15 to 24, in France, need specific care and treatment. “This year, our “A Daffodil Against Cancer” campaign will be dedicated to them. Because today and even better tomorrow, Institut Curie teams are mobilizing around innovative research, to develop new therapeutic strategies against these cancers. , while reducing the sequelae of treatments to offer a better quality of life to patients” adds Professor Le Gouill.

    Consult an oncologist online

    Generosity, a search engine

    The generosity of the French is essential since it represents 33% of cancer research funding at the Institut Curie.” recalls Prof. Alain Puisieux, director of the Institut Curie Research Center. “The “A Daffodil Against Cancer” campaign embodies this collective strength necessary to move the lines of our fight against cancer. Our research teams, among the best in the world, need donations to innovate and discover new therapeutic solutions, and this is even truer for rarer cancers, such as those of adolescents and young adults.”.

    Finally, remember that the start of this campaign will take place today at Place du Panthéon in Paris, if you wish to support this cause and make a donation for these patients, either by buying a daffodil or by going to the website https:// unejonquillecontrelecancer.fr/.
