A curfew was declared in Bangladesh – student protests have continued for several days | News in brief

A curfew was declared in Bangladesh student protests have

Even today, dozens of people have died in clashes between the police and students in Bangladesh. The country’s army has also now been ordered to the streets.

23:21•Updated 23:31

In Bangladesh, the Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina On Friday, the government announced a national curfew for the entire country. It has also ordered the country’s military to maintain order in student protests that have already lasted for days. The unrest has spread to different parts of the country.

This was announced by the general secretary of the ruling Awami League party Obaidul Quader. The announcement came after police and security officials fired again on protesters in the country’s capital, Dhaka, on Friday. All public gatherings in Dhaka are currently banned.

The AFP news agency, citing its hospital sources, says that at least 52 people died in the capital Dhaka on Friday. According to AFP calculations, at least 105 people have died in clashes between student protesters and the police this week.

Students have demanded an end to the quota system for public sector jobs, which has been criticized for favoring groups that support the country’s government.

News updated at 23:31.

Sources: AP, Reuters, AFP; STT
