a crushing score against the RN!

a crushing score against the RN

RUFFIN. François Ruffin, LFI deputy for the 1st constituency of the Somme, was a candidate for re-election in the 2022 legislative elections. The candidate of the Union of the Left (NUPES) clearly came out on top in the first round this Sunday.

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[Mis à jour le 12 juin 2022 à 22h03] François Ruffin is clearly in the lead in the first round of the legislative elections in the first constituency of the Somme. The NUPES candidate is credited with 40.09% of the votes according to the final figures transmitted by the Ministry of the Interior and is very clearly ahead of the RN candidate Nathalie Ribeiro-Billet (22.58%) and the Ensemble candidate Pascal Rifflart with 20, 31%. François Ruffin thus achieves a nice coup, he who, in 2017, came second at the end of the first round before winning.

What reforms did François Ruffin vote for?

Elected deputy for the Somme under the label of insubordinate France in 2017, François Ruffin has just spent five years in the National Assembly. A five-year term during which he opposed the majority of the reforms thought out and defended by the presidential majority of Emmanuel Macron. For the most significant projects that punctuated the debates at the Palais Bourdons, François Ruffin either voted against or was absent during the vote of the deputies. For example, he refused to support the law on the vaccination pass, that on the reform of the SNCF, the transformation of wealth tax into property wealth tax, the gradual abolition of housing tax or even the law for the fight against climate change. It is easier to count the reforms and bills supported by the MP as the “bioethics” law for PMA for all.

LFI reporter-deputy François Ruffin launched a campaign at the end of April with the aim of winning again in the 1st constituency of the Somme, where he had been elected by more than 55% in 2017 in the 2nd round (against to Nicolas Dumont, LREM candidate). Showing himself anxious to reach out to the “forgotten” of the “outskirts”, he focused his campaign on hearing “competition” with the RN (en-FN) which continued its breakthrough in the Somme department at the two towers of the presidential. What are his chances of re-entering the National Assembly?

When the rebellious candidate seizes the subject of security

Security is a favorite subject of the right and the left rarely campaigns defending this sovereign theme. However, a voice clashes within La France insoumise, that of François Ruffin, the deputy candidate for his re-election in the Somme, calls on the left to take up the subject and to act to enforce the “right to tranquility”. The former journalist already called on Jean-Luc Mélenchon to be more attentive on this point the day after the first round of the presidential election in an interview for Liberation. This time it is in a text that looks like a conversation with voters and published on Facebook on May 31 that François Ruffin develops his thoughts. The elected representative of the radical left calls on the police to ensure “everyday tranquility” a subject which, according to him, is placed above “robberies”, “major crimes” and “controls of papers”. The LFI deputy assumes to lead the fight against nuisances close to home and claims it: “Being on the left is not to close your eyes to it, on the contrary: it is to guarantee this peace to all citizens, this right to privacy, to be at home, not disturbed.”

Elected deputy for the 1st constituency of the Somme in 2017, the Insoumis François Ruffin is competing for his re-election for what is presented as the “third round” of next June, given LFI’s ambitions to prevent the elected president from having of a majority. On Saturday April 30, he chose the town of Flixecourt, in the Somme, to launch his campaign. He gathered 700 people in the room where he celebrated his victory in 2017, addressing “peripheral France” “yellow vests, roundabouts”, so as not to “leave it in the hands of the RN”. which began with a parade with a fanfare, with a giant karaoke animated by comedians Shirley and Dino, he said he wanted to “lead the battle in joy and hope”. However, he was realistic about his chances of winning: “I do not consider myself a winner at all, I am a challenger, there is work, a slope to climb up”, he explained on stage.

The former reporter is also known for his calls for a rally on the left, regularly launched since 2017. On March 29, he held a meeting for this union alongside Raquel Garrido and Manon Aubry, while on April 2, he went to Evry, in another city of his department, Essonne, to carry the candidacy of Jean-Luc Mélenchon. Convinced that we must bet on peripheral France, as he explained in an interview with Liberation the day after the first round: “When we look at the maps, we see that Mélenchon is strong in the big cities and the popular districts But much less in peripheral France,” he said. According to him, the crisis of the yellow vests has made “visible and audible” this France of the peripheries that LFI must today reconquer, to “turn their anger into hope”.
