a compulsory vaccination certificate in transport

Trenitalia arrives on French lines

While the 5th wave of Covid hits Italy hard with more than 2 million people infected, the government is stepping up initiatives to push the population to get vaccinated. Since Monday, January 10, from Venice to Palermo, an official certificate of vaccination against the Covid is required to take public transport: buses, trains, planes and major shipping lines. The measure concerns all adults, it will be extended to adolescents next month and is valid until March 15.

With our correspondent in Rome, Anne Tréca

On the Rome – Civitavecchia line, all travelers have an FFP2 mask on their nose and the QR code in their hands which certifies that they have been vaccinated, or recently recovered from Covid.

It is necessary to avoid other contagions, said a traveler. It’s annoying, it’s hard, but it’s necessary. “” It’s a matter of health, another continues. In my opinion everyone should have a vaccination pass. “” Everything is going well on the train. Everyone has an FFP2 mask », Adds another passenger.

►Also read: Faced with the Omicron wave, French carriers want to reassure users

A fine of 400 euros

The bus drivers are enthusiastic. ” It is a good initiative in my opinion. At least there are some checks on the service and on contagions, one of them said. You have to be careful everywhere and with public transport which has been very poorly protected so far. We have major stops where the police, carabinieri or even our company employees screen travelers.

In the capital, over one day, dozens of recalcitrant users were caught. They will have to pay a fine of 400 euros.

►Also listen: Italy: Covid-19 seriously disrupts the resumption of the championship

