a civil society platform is concerned about the post-legislative political climate

a civil society platform is concerned about the post legislative political

Madagascar organized legislative elections on May 29, 2024 to elect its 163 deputies. Nearly three weeks later, a civil society platform is concerned about the political climate while the final results have yet to be announced by the High Constitutional Court (HCC). THE ” apparent calm “, she says, actually masks a climate of ” fear ” and of ” violence » visible as insidious.

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With our correspondent in Antananarivo, Pauline Le Troquier

HAS Madagascarthe platform of the civil society Rohy expresses its concern about the current political climate and the outcome of the legislative elections of May 29, 2024. The Big Island is awaiting the final results, the announcement of which is expected in the next ten days.

In a statement made on June 17, during a press conference held in Antananarivo, the organization recalled the irregularities which marred this election and invited all stakeholders, starting with the High Constitutional Court (HCC), to guarantee a peaceful outcome of the election.

As the results are announced, civil society is becoming alarmist. THE ” apparent calm “, she says, actually masks a climate of ” fear ” and of ” violence » visible as insidious.

We demand that the police not take sides »

According to the Rohy platform, the recent warning from law enforcement against any disruption linked to the results is part of the same repressive climate as that of last November’s presidential election.

Dina Ranaivo, Rohy’s advocacy manager, says: “ We call on the police, as they are paid by taxpayers, to truly work in the neutrality of the administration. We demand that they do not take sides and that they are not subject to the exploitation of political parties. »

Another call for impartiality is directed towards the HCC, whose neutrality is widely questioned by the opposition and civil society. To protect the choice of the Malagasy people, the representative of Rohy asks the institution, responsible for deciding on the regularity of the ballot, to effectively cancel the votes obtained by the perpetrators of fraud: “ We noted irregularities in the actions of the candidates, especially those who were really supported by the president through his speeches during the electoral campaign. And we demand that justice be done. »

Seven months earlier, following the presidential election, the opposition had already filed requests to cancel the president’s vote Andry Rajoelina, pointing, among other things, to a mechanism of electoral corruption and the use of state resources by the outgoing president. All were rejected by the Court.

Read alsoLegislative elections in Madagascar: no majority for the presidential party nor for the opposition, according to the provisional results of the Ceni
