A popular and powerful character from Middle Earth is missing from the Lord of the Rings films. In fact, he was so strong that the One Ring had no effect on him.
The Lord of the Rings is a vast and fascinating series of characters, many of whom appear in the films. However, one character did not make it into the films, and he is particularly powerful. This character is Tom Bombadil. Although he plays a significant role in the books, he does not appear in the film trilogy.
Tom Bombadil is one of the most enigmatic characters in Tolkien’s world
Who is Tom Bombadil? He is one of the most mysterious characters in Tolkien’s universe. Tom first appears in The Fellowship of the Ring when Frodo and his friends meet him on their journey through the Old Forest. Tom saves Frodo, Sam, Merry and Pippin and takes them to his home. He is described as an old man with a blue coat and a hat who is always cheerful.
But he is not just any nice inhabitant of Middle Earth – he is also probably the oldest, or at least that is what he claims about himself. He was here before the elves. Tom was here before the river and the trees, Tom remembers the first raindrop and the first acorn (via jeuxvideo). Which suggests that he could be a god-like figure.
Is he perhaps a nature spirit, a powerful god or a Maiar? Perhaps he is even a manifestation of the Illuvatar itself? Who exactly he is unfortunately remains a mystery. Tolkien himself never fully explained who or what Tom Bombadil really is.
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What makes it so special? He is so powerful that he is immune to the One Ring. While the One Ring corrupts and drives others mad, Bombadil seems completely unaffected by its power. Tom can even see Frodo when he wears the ring. While the ring normally makes its wearer invisible to others, it seems to have no effect on Tom. Nor does he seem to feel any urge to keep it or use its power.
At the Council of Elrond, it is considered whether Bombadil should keep the Ring. But Gandalf and the others reject this, because Bombadil is too careless and does not take the threat of Sauron seriously enough. Despite his power, he is too detached from the worries of the world.
Tom Bombadil has a deep connection to nature and animals. He prefers to live a secluded life in his own little kingdom, together with his wife Goldberry, where he sings happy songs.
Why is he missing from the movies? One of the main reasons might be that Bombadil’s appearance in the books, while cool and intriguing, is not essential to the main plot itself. The movies had to focus on the central story in order to wrap everything up well.
Another reason could be that his appearance might have disrupted the narrative flow and raised too many questions that could not be satisfactorily answered within the framework of the films.
But Tom will finally get his appearance, which is well received by fans. He has now made it into the second season of the series The Rings of Power.