“A Champion in the family”, Cattolica tour stops in Jesolo

A Champion in the family Cattolica tour stops in Jesolo

(Finance) – A traveling tour dedicated to sport: great success this morning in Jesolo for the third stage of 2024 Of “A Champion in the Family”, promoted by Cattolica, Business Unit of Generali Italia, in partnership with the RG companywith the patronage of the Municipality of Jesolo and the involvement of the Cattolica Agents Network.

Piazza Aurora was transformed for a morning into a large “arena” of sport and entertainment, over 150 children from the city accompanied by their families had the opportunity to meet and spend a few hours of play and carefree fun in the company of three athletes who they made the history of Italian sportor: Adriano Panatta, Ciccio Graziani and Andrea Lucchetta. Among those present, in addition to the Cattolica agents, also Arianna Nardi, Marketing Manager of Generali Italia and Cattolica and Marco Lamola, Distribution Manager of Cattolica.

The 2024 edition of the tour, which has the claim “Sport as a school of life”is structured in six stages: after that of Viterbo, Brescia and Jesolo, the cities of Asti, L’Aquila and Campobasso will be visited with the aim of promoting shared sociality and a healthy lifestyle through sport and entertainment participatory within each community.

For sports enthusiasts it was a unique opportunity to meet the center forward of the Italian national team who won the 1982 World Cup in Spain, Ciccio Graziani, the volleyball champion Andrea Lucchetta and the former tennis star Adriano Panatta. The “Cattolica Village” has been set up in the city square, equipped with two mini-fields for football and volleyball, an area reserved for magic shows and face painting and an area dedicated to motor coordination and psychomotor games.

“A Champion in the family wants to promote well-being and sport, basic elements of the education of children and teenagers, but also of the evolution of our offer with solutions that focus on prevention, check-ups, monitoring and paths towards a more healthy – he declared Arianna Nardi, Marketing Manager of Generali Italia and Cattolica -. This day, which offered the opportunity for children, parents and grandparents to play in the square together with the great champions, is a gift that Cattolica and its agents want to give to the communities of reference.”

“A Champion in the Family allows us to strengthen Cattolica’s historic presence in the area, made concrete by an agency network active throughout Italy, from large provinces to smaller towns, and by its constant commitment, based on sociality, dialogue and listening to needs in local communities – he commented Marco Lamola, Cattolica Distribution Manager on the sidelines of the event –. One of the pillars of Cattolica’s history, which spans over 125 years, is the role of the agent as a point of reference in local communities”.

“We are really very happy with the strong support of the Jesolo families in this event promoted by Cattolica – he added Adriano Panatta – The objective was to promote, through sports, entertainment, music and many games, a morning of aggregation and sharing in the open air, in the splendid setting of Piazza Aurora among young people and families. Seeing the smiles of so many parents join those of children and teenagers was a wonderful emotion. The essence of events like this is precisely being together and playing while experiencing sport lightly.”

“It is a wonderful journey that we are taking together with Cattolica, contributing, with our passion and our history as Sports Champions, to making a morning special dedicated to games, entertainment and healthy fun, involving young people and their families,” he said Ciccio Graziani.

“Sport is a formidable social aggregator, it encourages sharing, stimulates passion and generates enthusiasm, the same that Ciccio, Adriano and I have also put into play today on the occasion of “A Champion in the Family” and which we will continue to put in during the course of this tour which allows many Italian families to meet, play and have fun”, he concluded Andrea Lucchetta.
