A call or email from the ANSM? Beware of scam

A call or email from the ANSM Beware of scam

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    Do you receive questionable emails and text messages from the National Agency for the Safety of Medicines and Health Products (ANSM)? Be careful, they could be fraudulent. These “harpoonings” are the work of canvassers wishing to recover your personal data.

    Recently, emails or phone calls have appropriated the identity of the National Agency for the Safety of Medicines and Health Products (ANSM) in order to push users to communicate some of their personal information – social security number , passwords or bank details. The ANSM condemns these fraud attempts and calls for vigilance.

    Significant risks of “identity theft”

    To prevent the risk of identity theft, the ANSM warns against questionable telephone calls and the sending of fraudulent e-mails.

    “We invite anyone receiving this type of message to be vigilant and not to communicate any personal information by email or telephone”

    Similarly, the agency recalls that:

    • When she contacts you by phone, it is in response to a solicitation. “To answer you, we will prefer to send an email with an email address ending with: @ansm.sante.fr“;
    • By telephone or email, it only asks you for the information necessary to process your request – never a Social Security number or bank details;
    • Only certain ANSM service providers, such as the Viavoice research institute, are authorized to contact you directly in the context of carrying out opinion studies commissioned by the ANSM.

    What to do in case of doubt?

    If in doubt about a call, sms, email or letter that appears to come from the ANSM, do not answer and inform the ANSM, via the “User desk” contact form, available at the bottom of the page at following address: https://ansm.sante.fr/contact.

    It is also possible to report any form of illegal content on the official PHAROS government portal: Internet-signalement.gouv.fr.

    Finally, only the following number (01 55 87 30 00) allows you to reach the agency’s reception by telephone.

    As a reminder, the main mission of the ANSM is to ensure the safety of consumers with regard to medicinal products sold on the market. In other words, to ensure that the benefit/risk balance is positive, right from the development stage of a therapeutic innovation.
