A bonus automatically arrives for 6 million French people: here is its amount according to your net salary

A bonus automatically arrives for 6 million French people here

A financial boost is coming to many French people. And there is no action to take.

This is good end-of-month news that was no longer expected. While the accounts of many French people are in the red or flirting with overdraft, a financial boost to replenish the budget a little more will arrive for 6 million workers.

Like the checks and other exceptional bonuses paid in recent years, it is once again the State which is putting its hand in its pocket “to cope with inflation which remains high on everyday products.”

Unlike the energy check where this aid was only used to pay certain bills related to electricity or gas, this purchasing power bonus will be paid directly into the bank accounts of eligible people. A method similar to that of the fuel allowance. The beneficiaries can use it as they wish.

Not all employees are eligible for this bonus. A decree has been issued specifying the professions concerned. These are teachers and teachers (kindergarten, primary, middle school, high school, general public), AESH, agents working in prefectures, ministries, prisons, but also all staff employed in public hospitals, as well as than all military personnel.

The amount of the bonus paid varies according to the salary level. If you are among the civil servants concerned, here is what you will receive based on your net monthly salary, before taxes:

  • Net salary less than or equal to €1,541: €800
  • Monthly net salary between €1,541 and €1,779: €700
  • Monthly net salary between €1779 and €1902: €600
  • Monthly net salary between €1902 and €2012: €500
  • Monthly net salary between €2012 and €2107: €400
  • Monthly net salary between €2107 and €2195: €350
  • Monthly net salary between €2107 and €2551: €300

However, some variations may occur. To receive the full bonus, you must have been under contract between 1er July 2022 and June 30, 2023. Otherwise, a pro rata will be applied.

The government also specified that the bonus would be paid in one go, at the same time as the salary. For some, this will be in the days to come, on the payroll for the month of October. The rest will receive it with the pay for the month of November.
