“A big, not always easy task”

The king begins his speech from Prince Bertil’s floor in the castle by looking back 50 years to the days when he just took over the throne from his grandfather King Gustaf VI Adolf, whom he describes as “a role model and a monarch deeply respected in all camps” .

– Succeeding grandfather was a big and not always easy task. But I am very grateful for the support I have received from my dear family who have loyally stood by my side over the years. The queen, our children with families and my sisters have all always been there, says the king.

Today 15:36

See the king’s time on the throne – 50 years in 50 seconds

Thanks to the Swedish people

He continues by thanking the Swedish people for the trust he has received – and continues to receive.

– Your support has been invaluable to me. For this, today I want to offer my deep and warm thanks, says the king, and then goes on to praise our country:

– All of us who live and work in Sweden are lucky. We are set to take care of this beautiful part of the earth. A country to be proud of, says the king and mentions Österlen, Lapporten, the Bohuslän archipelago, Gotland’s ancient monuments and the Falu copper mine.

The King ends the speech by looking ahead and with a hope that in the future, too, will continue to serve Sweden “in both good and bad”.
