A big, new MMO opened gamescom 2022

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A trailer was shown at gamescom 2022 for Everywhere, a new ambitious MMO from former Grand Thef Auto man Leslie Benzies. The game has been in development for 5 years and is said to be extremely ambitious and courageous. It was said in advance: Everywhere should be a kind of “Real Life Ready Player One”. But MeinMMO author Schuhmann says: Nobody can really do anything with the trailer and the information.

What did you know about the game beforehand?

  • It was known that a very important GTA Online developer had raised $42 million and was developing an “open world” game called Everywhere. He founded the company “Build a Rocket Boy Games” for this purpose, apparently an allusion to a song by the group “Elbow”.
  • This new company hired some key employees from GTA 5 and employs a total of 130 people
  • The game should be a “massive open-world game” that offers players maximum freedom, representing many modes and styles. The developers said they “not just want to tell their story,” but want players to be able to express their identity in Everywehre
  • In May 2022 it was said: The game should be a “Real Life” Ready Player One with multiplayer. Players should be able to develop their own worlds in a virtual sandbox. There would be “deep social integration.”

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    Here in the tweet there is more information than later in the turn.

    Everywhere opens gamescom 2022 with a trailer

    What does the trailer show us now? Everywhere had the honor of opening gamescom 2022. The game had the 1st trailer spot. Anyone who knows Geoff Keighley’s shows knows that seats like this are coveted, you only get a little time and you have to make the best use of this short time in the limelight to present your game to an audience of millions in the best possible way.

    But in the trailer for Everywhere, a multitude of developers talked relatively flowery stuff, which amounted to making an incredibly ambitious game that gives players maximum freedom. They’ve been working on the game for 5 years, but need a little longer. It was something very unique, incredibly great.

    Not a syllable was mentioned what kind of genre it is, which role models one follows, which players one wants to reach. Hard facts: A release date, which platforms you want to come for, how the game will be further developed or monetized – there was no room for that in the developers’ talk …

    It should just be “Everyhwere”, just kind of everything.

    Although I do note that “Everywhere” sounds like the name of a product the Joker wants to take control of Gotham with, or something James Bond has to stop launching at the last second.

    He’s the mind behind the game.

    After 100 seconds you saw confusingly edited landscape images, with figures that are simply there, or drive something, but do not follow any recognizable action. The graphics looked like a comic book game like Fortnite.

    In the last 15 seconds of the trailer, the viewer then saw similarly wildly edited images with an apparently different graphic style and then the trailer was over.

    At least the gameplay part of the trailer can be seen here, without the speeches beforehand:

    New MMO Everywhere should be “real Ready Player One” – Shows first pictures of the world in the trailer

    Players immediately suspect: there are definitely NFTs in there! Better watch out

    What was the first reaction? The trailer and the job postings on the site immediately set off all the alarm reflexes from gamers. Because the combination:

  • ambitious talk
  • nonexistent gameplay
  • players always associate with “NFT”/”Blockchain” models today and they don’t have a good reputation at all.

    As a result, the suspicion quickly arose that the new game “Everywhere” was based on blockchain/NFT.

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    The developers didn’t want to confirm or deny that, but said they were keeping all techniques open (via ign).

    However, the game is “developed on Unreal Engine 5, not on the blockchain.”

    NFT is the new trend in gaming, companies are worth billions of dollars – but why?

    “We’ll make a good game, we promise”

    How is the trailer received? Not very good (via youtube).

    The only thing that speaks for the game in the comments seems to be the reputation of Leslie Benzies, which rakes in some advance credit

    But the graphics in large parts of the trailer, which reminds many of Apex or Fortnite, are criticized – the fact that there is a different style in the last few seconds causes more confusion

    And the lack of information in the trailer may seem downright ridiculous to some:

  • One user says, “We’ll make a good game, we promise.”
  • Another user says: “Looks great. But what kind of genre is it anyway? sand box?”
  • A third said: “Yet another gaming company that doesn’t put anything on the table. As long as you don’t send us gameplay, at least give us a rough idea of ​​what you want the game to look like in the end. All these statements are nothing but lies.”
  • If this is supposed to be the future of MMOs or even really “Ready Player One”, then it is not yet clear.

    More about gamescom 2022:

    I say: gamescom 2022 already has a big winner – and one game is as good as dead

    Disclaimer: Webedia Gaming (GameStar, GamePro, MeinMMO) accompanies the games fair 2022 as the official media partner of gamescom.
