A: Absence records should curb honor crimes

A Absence records should curb honor crimes

Published: Less than 40 min ago

full screen Labor market and equality minister Eva Nordmark and justice and interior minister Morgan Johansson. Photo: Jessica Gow/TT

The Social Democrats want to introduce a national absence register at school. The purpose: To be able to detect honor-related violence and oppression more quickly.

– The school’s role is crucial in detecting and preventing violence, said Minister for Gender Equality Eva Nordmark at a press meeting together with Minister of Justice Morgan Johansson on Saturday.

The idea is to detect earlier absences from school that may be due to honor-related violence or prejudice. The schools must have a national definition of what invalid absence is, and follow up and implement measures, not least where honor suppression occurs.

– Starting this autumn, the schools must actively counter honor-related violence and oppression. The schools also have a responsibility to ensure that the students complete their schooling, says Eva Nordmark.

In addition to better control of student absences, Eva Nordmark and Morgan Johansson highlighted a series of already planned measures against honor violence. These include, among other things, extending the travel ban so that it applies to more situations, for example when children are feared to be sent abroad for virginity checks. Nor should such checks be possible to carry out in Sweden.
