A 38 cm eel came out alive! The reasoning is mind-blowing

A 38 cm eel came out alive The reasoning is

Doctors in England deal with an average of 300 such cases each year. There are many people who run to the emergency room to remove sex toys or different objects stuck in the vagina or anus. Here are the weirdest news ever reflected in the news!


In the incident, which was reflected in the news recently; A plastic ball came out of the anus of the 51-year-old man who claimed to be a cure for hemorrhoids. The stuck plastic ball was able to be removed after 7 hours of operation.


In 2009, a woman named Margaret Daalman swallowed the cutlery set, instead of eating, at the dinner she went to! As a result of the x-ray taken at the hospital where the 52-year-old woman went with the complaint of severe stomach pain, it was revealed that she swallowed 78 cracks and spoons. It was announced that the woman who was taken to emergency surgery was not in good mental health.

Fork spoon


A woman named Rosiee Sunshine lost it while playing with her sex toy when it slipped from her hand. The young woman, who for hours tried to remove the sex toy with her own efforts, could not succeed, but ended up in the hospital.

lost toy

In the incident last year, doctors were able to remove the sex toy without the need for surgery.


A 22-year-old Colombian woman rushed to the emergency room with excruciating stomach pains. The root of the problem was a potato sprouting inside her vagina. She told the doctors that she put the potato there as a birth control method because she said it would prevent her mother from getting pregnant.


But when left inside, the potato began to give roots that developed into reproductive organs. Luckily the team was able to take it out before it did any serious damage.


In 2020, doctors removed a 38cm Asian Marsh Eel from the colon of a man hospitalized with septic shock.

The eel

The reasoning of the man in the event that shocked the world was even more interesting! He said he had inserted an Asian Swamp Eel alive into his body to “cure his constipation.”
