A 35-year-old woman almost died from UV cabins

A 35 year old woman almost died from UV cabins

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    Addicted to tanning, a 35-year-old mother warns against UV cabins after a close brush with death.

    From Belfast, Fionnghuala Maguire, shares his warning, following almost daily use of UV cabins, without protection, for 15 years.

    An addiction to tanning that almost cost him his life

    Aged 35, this mother of a little boy wants to share her experience with sunbeds in order to warn of the potential dangers of this practice. Indeed, Fionnghuala Maguire narrowly survived two serious medical episodes linked to her addiction to tanning.

    For 15 years, the young woman was a fan of UV cabins, which she used intensively and without protection. This habit, which she started at the age of 14, had dramatic consequences on her health. And for good reason, she developed skin cancer, leading to immunotherapy treatment, the side effects of which she suffered: broken capillaries on her face.

    Despite the success of his treatment, he was diagnosed with a second cancer. His immunotherapy sessions caused adverse effects, which almost cost him his life, such as Addison’s disease. She declares having been to “one or two days from death”.

    Today, the young woman wants to highlight her experience in order to raise awareness among fans of UV cabins of the danger that this device represents and that she so underestimated. “I was on my deathbed twice and my son could have ended up without his mother.”, she explains. “Tanning isn’t worth it.”she concluded.

    Health authorities recommend limiting the use of UV cabins

    According to Directorate General for Competition, Consumer Affairs and Fraud Prevention, artificial tanning increases the risk of skin cancer, and health authorities recommend limiting its use. As a reminder, you should definitely not:

    • Expose yourself if you take medications that may be photosensitizing;
    • Expose yourself to the sun and tanning lamps on the same day;
    • Exceed the expected exposure time based on your skin type;
    • Also beware of preconceived ideas: no, artificial tanning does not prepare the skin for the sun, it does not prevent seasonal depression, artificial UV rays are no less dangerous than natural UV rays, all skin needs protection and this Just because you’re tan doesn’t mean it protects you from sunburn.
