a 2nd reminder for everyone very soon?

a 2nd reminder for everyone very soon

4TH DOSE. As the cases of Covid-19 start to rise again, messages of encouragement to receive a new dose of vaccine are launched by several officials. The WHO has therefore called for vigilance for this summer. Will the French have to go back to get vaccinated?

[Mis à jour le 30 juin 2022 à 19h01] The seventh wave of Covid-19 is already announced. After the Minister of Health at the start of the week and then the Prime Minister, Élisabeth Borne, reminders of barrier gestures are on everyone’s lips. From there to considering a fourth dose of coronavirus vaccine for all? If Brigitte Bourguignon and Élisabeth Borne have insisted on the return of wearing a mask in public transport in recent days, this Thursday, June 30 the World Health Organization (WHO), through the voice of its director Europe, Hans Kluge , launched an appeal to European States, inviting them to increase their level of vaccination. “High immunity in the population and choices made to reduce risk for the elderly will be the keys to preventing additional mortality this summer,” he insisted. Sounding the alarm at the dawn of the summer season, Hans Kluge stressed that “as countries across Europe have lifted the social measures that were in place, the virus will circulate at high levels during summer”.

Earlier in the day, doctor Jean-François Delfraissy had meanwhile called on people over 60 and people with several risk factors to “get vaccinated with the 4e dose now without waiting for September/October”. “Because these vaccines exist, are effective against the BA.5 variant in severe forms”, he insisted. 470,000 cases of Covid-19 have been identified in seven days, according to the CovidTracker site.The number of positive cases has increased by 52% in one week, again according to the site.

What is the 4e dose of vaccine against Covid-19?

1st, 2e3e4e, booster dose… So many terms that are often mentioned when it comes to vaccination against Covid. But how to find your way there without getting lost? The 1st and the 2e dose were the starting point of the vaccination campaign, making it possible to complete its initial vaccination schedule. Then, for the most fragile and oldest people, a 3ethen a 4e dose of vaccine can be injected into them. On this subject, we also speak of 1st and 2e booster dose.

A 4e dose of vaccine against Covid-19, for whom?

The possibility of being administered a 4e dose of vaccine against Covid-19 dates back to early January, before being extended in mid-March. At this stage, this 2e recall is open to immunocompromised people, their relatives, and those aged 60 and over. However, it is necessary to respect a delay since its last injection before being able to claim to receive a new dose of vaccine: three months for immunocompromised people and those aged 80 and over; six months for people aged 60 to 79.

A 4e Will the dose of vaccine against Covid-19 be generalized?

This is the big question. While in its vaccination strategy, the government has gradually opened up access to vaccines by age group, will it be the same with the 4e dose (2e booster dose)? “We will probably come there” replied Brigitte Bourguignon on June 27, without however, at this stage, mentioning a precise timetable, criteria or even constraints on this subject. Remember that in January, the validity of the vaccination pass was conditional on the injection of a booster dose.
