a 13-year-old schoolboy beaten with a stick, what really happened?

a 13 year old schoolboy beaten with a stick what really happened

Upon leaving Moulins-des-Prés college in Paris, a schoolboy was injured in the face by one of his classmates. Transported as an “absolute emergency” to Necker hospital, his condition is no longer cause for concern.

Around noon, the lunch break comes at Moulins-des-Prés college, in the 13th arrondissement of Paris. Dozens of college students go out when a fight breaks out between two students this Friday, May 17, according to the rectorate’s version. One of the boys was seriously injured in the face.

“At 12:50 p.m., I saw drops of blood on the ground,” a student told our colleagues at Parisian. A teacher came out to ask what had just happened. The police arrived at the same time. In the courtyard, the young girl saw the injured student wearing a bag on his cheek before the emergency services, dispatched to the scene, transported him to the Necker hospital, in the 15th arrondissement of Paris, in “absolute emergency”.

Violent attacks between young people

According to new data from a member of the school, the condition of the 13-year-old student is no longer cause for concern.

However, the circumstances remain quite unclear. “It is not an attack, but an accident with an unintentional injury. The presence of the police, firefighters and SAMU may have worried parents, students and neighbors, but this is part of the emergency protocol,” declared the college management in a message sent to parents, reveals The Parisian. A version which differs from that of the rectorate which affirms that the situation requires “security around the establishment”.

Already in January, then in March, two teenagers were attacked when leaving their college in the 20th and 3rd arrondissements of Paris.
