No to the vaccine pass!

Because the vaccine pass is perceived as “a major attack on the rule of law”, more than 800,000 French people have already signed a petition addressed to deputies and senators so that they do not vote for the bill.

The bill to transform the health pass into a vaccination pass, adopted by the Council of Ministers on 27 December 2021, must be voted by parliament and the law promulgated at the beginning of 2022.
But this particularly liberticide law is more and more contested by the opinion. Rodolphe Baquet has initiated a petition that calls on as many French people as possible to sign it and send it to the deputies and senators so that they take their responsibilities.

Under unlimited infusion

Why? Because “the vaccine pass is a major attack on the rule of law” writes the author. “It is a point of no return towards the generalized vaccination obligation, it is to authorize a discrimination of each French person according to his vaccination status”.
The text of the petition explains that “the Vaccine Pass consists in putting all French people under unlimited perfusion” and that this vaccine pass is “the result of a year of successive lies”. Remember the words of the President of the Republic: “I will not make vaccination mandatory!”
and then:

  • May 31, 2021: implementation of the health pass;
  • August 5, 2021: extension to many public places of the health pass until November 15, 2021;
  • October 15, 2021: end of free screening tests;
  • November 10, 2021: extension of the health pass until July 31, 2022;
  • November 25, 2021: reduction of the validity period for screening tests from 72 hours to 24 hours;
  • December 17, 2021: announcement of the implementation of the vaccine pass.

The vaccine pass blackmails us into violating our consent, the petition points out, noting that the government’s measures are unproven.

  • The vaccine does not prevent transmission of Covid,
  • The vaccine does not prevent you from getting sick. Its effectiveness is diluted with each new variant. And since all viruses mutate, as long as Covid exists, new doses will always be needed to make it “work.”
  • The vaccine won’t keep you out of the hospital. Vaccinated patients now account for 57% of admissions, compared to 43% for non-vaccinated patients.
  • Hospitals have never been saturated because of Covid. At the peak of the epidemic, one report showed, only 2% of admissions were for Covid cases. On the other hand, caregivers have been complaining about hospital bed cuts and lack of space for years!
  • Sanitary measures (social distances, confinements…) have weakened our immunity.The petition is here
