Web professions: retraining to practice a buoyant profession

Web professions retraining to practice a buoyant profession

The digital leaves a phenomenal place to job prospects. Indeed, this sector of activity is a gold mine for companies which very often court professionals in the sector. Retraining in Web professions is not only possible, but also opens the way to a prosperous horizon for those who wish to embrace it.

Web developer, digital project manager, mobile developer, network administrator, DevOps, UX, expert in Data science, Community manager… The professions in the digital field are numerous and there is no shortage of vacancies. Recruiters are scrambling to hire experts, project managers, programmers. So, when it comes to retraining and learning a new job in the field of the Web, the doors open wide.

Why convert to web jobs?

Digital is a constantly evolving environment and in a context of professional retraining, the wide choice of professions offered offers the possibility of reorienting oneself without fear of running into unemployment. These are versatile professions because companies must innovate and remain efficient. Today “everything” happens on the Web, which is inseparable from the life of a society. In fact, companies must bet on digital-oriented profiles to have a chance of prospering.

The health crisis in 2020 has democratized telecommuting and the IT professions have adapted perfectly to this model. These flexible jobs adapt without any real problem to new work organizations.

In addition, jobs on the Web are accessible to everyone. Never having practiced in this field is in no way a handicap. Digital remains open to very varied profiles (literary, creative, mathematical profiles, etc.), their new skills being added to those already acquired elsewhere. Nevertheless, certain apprenticeships need to be taught and cannot simply be learned on the job, hence the importance of properly understanding the challenges of each profession while training.

How to convert to web jobs?

When the professional path is decided, it is essential to choose your training well. An education that results in a diploma or certification will obviously be much more recognized than a generalist education. This is what Oh clock, training school for Web professions. Its concept? Offer telepresential training provided by professionals. Students listen, participate, interact and help each other to progress together. The school emphasizes exchanges between trainers and students, a way of creating a relationship of trust, but also of feeling supported in your retraining project. The courses can be consulted in replay to allow students to take up certain notions, or even to question the trainer a little later on poorly integrated information. Various training courses are possible, continuously, alternately or for professionals, ranging from a few days to several months. The objective of the O’clock school? Make its students future Web graduates and talents to recruit!

Focus on web developer training at O’clock

The O’clock training program lasts six months. It was designed by professionals for neophytes with profiles of all kinds, the main thing is motivation and investment. The period is divided into seasons which allow you to move forward gradually, but surely. The students will be able to understand the HTML and CSS languages ​​allowing them to create a web page, learn about programming with the PHP language to be led to create a dynamic site. They will discover mobile development and the ORM programming technique, then will be led to specialize before obtaining the sesame that will make them web developers fully fledged.

Article produced in partnership with the O’Clock school teams

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