If you’re a menstruating woman, everything may depend on your infrared rhythm. This regulates your menstrual cycle; It is an internal 28-day cycle that affects your mood, appetite, choice of exercise, productivity, focus and even your stress level.
No two days are the same in a woman’s body. But if you tailor your schedule to the phases you are in in your infrared rhythm, you can optimize your well-being and lead a happier, healthier and calmer life.
In fact, only a fifth of women have strong knowledge of their body’s signals. Psychologist Ieva Kubiliute says that both male and female bodies are governed by an internal timer known as the circadian rhythm, also known as the sleep/wake cycle. The circadian rhythm is a 24-hour biological clock that helps us feel rested or sleepy late at night/early morning, and feel alert and alert later in the morning and throughout the day.
But for women, there is a second built-in timer known as the infrared rhythm. Many systems of a woman’s body, including her stress response system, reproductive system, immune system, brain, metabolism, and even our microbiome, depend on the infrared rhythm, she says. Psychologist Kubiliute comments that most people don’t know about the infrared system, and doctors often assume that the symptoms women experience are psychological.
To understand how the infrared rhythm affects a woman each month, it is necessary to look at the specific phases of the menstrual cycle. The first day of your cycle is the period itself; i.e. the moment you start your period. Once that’s over, you’ll enter the follicular phase for about a week, at which point you’ll reach ovulation. Next up is the luteal phase, which continues about two weeks before your next period starts and the cycle starts again.
The menstrual cycle has four main phases created by changing hormone levels:
- Menstrual period: days 1-5
- Follicular phase: 6-14 days
- Ovulation phase: 15-17. days
- Luteal phase: 18–28 days
You can plan certain events around your cycle to make your life a little easier…
Whether it’s just for fun or your hopes of starting a family, fidgeting between the sheets is best done halfway through the infrared cycle, during the ovulation phase. In fact, this is actually when women are the “most attractive”. Ovulation affects the psychology, behavior and physiology of women.