How to choose the right sofa bed?

How to choose the right sofa bed

Are you about to move into a studio? Would you like to receive relatives more often but your accommodation does not allow you to set up a guest room? The solution for an additional bed: invest in a convertible sofa! Discover all our tips for choosing the right model.

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Before choosing your convertible sofa, you must first take into account a certain number of elements in order to best target your desires and your needs.

Sofa bed, a tough choice?

The type of sofa, the material, the format, the bedding, the opening system, the presence or not of storage on the underside … so many criteria to study before taking out your credit card. Indeed, your choice will not be on the same type of model depending on whether you want a permanent bed for your studio, or if you want to occasionally accommodate relatives by transforming your office into a bedroom. Here are some ideas that might help you make up your mind.

The type of sofa

Sofa bed, sofa bed or sofa … not always easy to navigate! The convertible sofas are classic sofas with a sleeping system independent of the seat: when they are not unfolded, it is impossible to guess that they have a mattress inside! The sofa beds and BZ are mattresses folded and wrapped in a cover, more like a bench. Less aesthetic than the first, they are nevertheless much more economical to buy.

For the living room, opt instead for a warm model, which will warm your interior, like a velvet sofa bed.

The quality of the seat

A convertible sofa, yes, but above all a sofa! The main function of a sofa is to be able to sit comfortably on it. While sleeping comfort should not be neglected, neither should that of the seat. Each convertible sofa has its own characteristics: soft or firm, with or without armrests, at an angle, with or without headrest … One thing is certain, the more you move upmarket, the more the budget will be. If you are looking for a convertible sofa for your living room in everyday use, the investment will not be the same as if you are looking for a model for a second home, for example …

The quality of the bed

On this side, it all depends on the use you want to make of your convertible sofa. Will the mattress be used for daily or occasional sleeping? Depending on the situation, it may not necessarily be necessary to invest in a mattress competition. For an extra bed, a thickness of six centimeters seems to be reasonable. If the convertible sofa is intended for regular use as a bed, it is better to turn to a mattress thickness of about 10 to 11 centimeters. For daily use, favor the quality of your sleep by choosing a thickness between 14 and 18 cm offering a good density, for optimal comfort.

Whatever your needs, there is bound to be a convertible sofa model that suits you. If criteria such as comfort, the dimensions or the mechanism are important, let your personality express itself by choosing a material, a color and a design that perfectly matches your interior.

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