The gifted child and his world

The gifted child and his world

Building his own universe is essential for a child when he forges his own image. But this approach is even more so for a gifted child, so easily lost among all the injunctions he receives!

The gifted child needs to remember his favorite places and keep his favorite images. He also likes to remember the voice, the turns of phrase, the favorite dishes of crossed adults who seemed to understand him. In their company, he felt bigger, closer to understanding certain mysteries of the universe and to finding answers to some of the questions he keeps asking himself. It is a precious memory that he keeps carefully. Sometimes, even a long time later, when he hesitates or feels lost, he wonders what this “friend” would have told him and he has the impression of no longer being alone and abandoned. Certainly, he has his parents who love him and are attentive to his needs and his problems, but he never wanted to embarrass them, let alone worry them, with ideas that might have surprised them. IThey could have tormented themselves by seeing their child having such thoughts, although these are areas that have never been discussed at home, knowing that it is unlikely that his classmates could have had any similar ideas.

The very present dragons

The gifted child likes to take refuge in his universe populated by characters, objects, real memories or lived by proxy thanks to the heroes of his favorite books. There are also animals that are fantastic and humorous, or terrible and apocalyptic dread. The dragons are making a comeback, it seems. They’re pretty sweet and friendly, but obviously their anger can be frightening and downright devastating, as befits a dragon worthy of the name and having to keep up to its reputation. The child who builds his world was delighted when he discovered the word “den”, although the stories where this word was mentioned generally evoked an unsympathetic character who no one could disturb when he was in his “den”, but the he liked the idea. Just as one needs a minimum territory to build oneself, this same territory must exist in the mind. This is where the personality slowly develops, twig by twig like birds building their nest.

An exact double

This world, which could be described as sacred as it is sanctuary, is often shared with a similar, an exact double, whose existence only the gifted child knows, with whom it is possible, and even very pleasant, to dialogue. , sometimes for endless exchanges. The arguments of one and the other respond to each other, without ever one of the two winning, but the discussion allows progress to be made. It happens that, distractedly, this dialogue begins when it is neither the place nor the time. The entourage panics and it is necessary to build, in the urgency, a credible fable to explain the presence of this invisible intruder, so discreet generally, within a united family. When the family is a little chaotic, this double becomes essential, but nobody has the mind to worry about it and it is much preferable. We are not too many to face the storms and the siblings, when they exist, are not necessarily of great help. Everyone experiences this storm in their own way.

Pet: The King Confidant

The company of this double completely excludes the feeling of loneliness. it can also be embodied in a visible form: a favorite toy, such as a stuffed animal, a comforter or an incongruous object from which we would never have expected this function. But the Confident Roi remains the pet that has never been so aptly named. Only drawback, you can’t take it everywhere, it is irreplaceable in the event of a tragedy, you hardly dare to consider its disappearance, sometimes causing real depression. In a lighter way, it is very pleasant to be able to open a door leading to the attractive imaginary whenever one moments of intense boredom for example, when this universe proves essential to remain wise and apparently attentive. When these wanderings become too frequent in class, they are considered disturbing and perhaps revealing of a true personality disorder, thus requiring a thorough investigation. This child, it is true a little different and even sometimes surprising, may simply have an attention disorder. If he is not there when he should be and if he forgets instructions, even though they have been repeated several times, it is because he presents this disorder in a discreet way, but very embarrassing all the same. The remedies exist, everything will work out. It can also be, always very discreetly, a real alteration of the personality. Besides, he doesn’t always understand what people are saying, he tends to take expressions literally, which leads to situations and misunderstandings that could be very funny if they weren’t worrying. And he doesn’t have many friends…

understanding parents

While we are alarmed about him, this child sails peacefully on an ocean he has just created around the island he liked to explore. He will choose which marine animals will populate him, with a weakness for dolphins, whales, killer whales and also sharks in their many specificities. Despite the school’s fearmongering, parents aren’t as worried as one might expect. They know how to reason with themselves and keep an objective view of their child. He has good grades and understands all the content of the teaching, since he then asks his parents for details, additional information, a generalization of this knowledge. One of his parents, or both, recognize themselves well in this dreamy poet, they then did good studies and do not regret the escapades they allowed themselves. They even remember having described some of them in small notebooks offered by understanding adults. Again, they will buy these delicious notebooks that tempt them every time they enter a stationery bookstore and they will offer them at the first opportunity to their delighted child, now that this memory has come back to them. However, it should not make things worse: we will follow the advice of the school, we will see a “specialist” and we will take his recommendations into account.. The school should not worry and continue to send signals of distress in the face of a child who does not look like the others, with, however, endearing aspects and a certain gift for writing. His essays are often worth reading in class. He also knows how to solve math problems by taking original and elegant paths. It’s really disconcerting.

Tips : avoid panicking if the school gets worried and alerts the parents in an emergency. Once again, a class jump can avoid too many repetitions and endless explanations of data understood on the spot. In general, a sufficiently nourishing schooling does not leave too much room for escapes. Encourage encounters with like-minded people who can be real friends and replace a ghostly double despite everything, and feed this imagination with books, stories, sometimes historical ones, and works of art in all forms.
