Banca del Fucino, collection and profit on the rise in 2021

Banca del Fucino collection and profit on the rise in

(Finance) – Banca del Fucinoparent company of the Igea Banca Banking Group, closed 2021 with a profit before taxes equal to 7.5 million euros (theprofit after taxes is equal to 4.1 million), an increase compared to the result of 1.2 million euros in 2020. interest margin reached 36 million euros and the brokerage margin the 61.5 million. The diversification of the activities is reflected in the importance assumed by the other income, which grew to 36.7 million euros and attributable to the activities relating to Investment Banking and to the proceeds of the Advisory business, underlined the bank on the day in which the shareholders’ meeting of shareholders approved the financial statements.

In 2021 the direct customer deposits saw an increase to 2.7 billion euros (+ 37% compared to the end of 2020), the uses with customers recorded an increase to approximately € 1.5 billion (+ 39%), and the overall banking product exceeded € 4.9 billion (+ 30%). All the main prudential supervisory ratios are broadly in line with the capital requirements established by the ECB: CET1 at 12.64%, Tier1 at 12.92% and TCR at 14.84% (at consolidated level 12.42%, 12.69% and 14.61%).

Faced with a provisioning policy and further derisking activities, theGross NPL ratio it was brought to approximately 6.59% as at 31 December 2021, with a further reduction of over 2 percentage points compared to the figure at the end of 2020 (8.79%). The coverage of bad loans it was also increased by over 20 percentage points, reaching 65.6% (it was 42.62% in 2020).

“2021 has seen growth in all areas of activity of the banking group – commented theCEO Francesco Maiolini – We have successfully completed the turnaround di Banca del Fucino and our group today appears solid and well positioned to manage risks and seize the opportunities that the phase of profound change in our economic and financial system presents. This is thanks in particular to the synergies between local banks and digital channels, to the ability to generate revenues both in the traditional credit sector and through innovative financial services, and, finally, to the distinctive role achieved by the group in the renewable energy sector “.
