What is good for sore throat? What are the natural remedies for sore throat?

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He has difficulty in speaking, we cannot swallow our bites while eating… Every swallow turns into a nightmare… Contrary to popular belief, ‘sore throat’, which is one of the most common problems of the autumn and winter seasons and can reach the severity that can reduce our quality of life, is not a disease; a symptom of diseases that can cause a burning and scratching sensation in the throat and severe ‘pain’ that can prevent swallowing. Until about two years ago, viral upper respiratory tract infections were the most common among the diseases that caused sore throat, while Covid-19 infection took the first place in the pandemic process. Acıbadem Dr. Şinasi Can (Kadıköy) Hospital Otorhinolaryngology Specialist Prof. Dr. Stating that the measures taken against the covid-19 virus in the pandemic can prevent the transmission of other viruses and bacteria that cause sore throat, Haluk Özkarakaş says, “The most important rules are to wear a mask, not to enter crowded environments as much as possible, and to drink plenty of water.” Otorhinolaryngology Specialist Prof. Dr. Haluk Özkarakaş talked about the rules of protection from bacteria and viruses that cause sore throat and alleviating sore throat; made important warnings.


The most important rule that you should pay attention to against a sore throat should be to drink plenty of water! Because the saliva that decreases in the lack of fluid in the body causes dryness in the throat, thus increasing the pain. prof. Dr. Haluk Özkarakaş said, “Moreover, many of the drugs taken to reduce sore throat make the body sweat. Losing more fluid through sweating also increases the pain complaint,” he says, adding: “Lozenges containing xylitol, mouthwashes, rinsing the mouth with salt and or carbonated water help against sore throat only to a certain extent. Drinking plenty of fluids can prevent bacteria and viruses from sticking in the throat. It is also important that you prefer water as a liquid due to the weight-loss properties of fruit juices. Squeeze the water and drink it in sip so that the throat is always moist.”


In the Covid-19 pandemic, wearing a mask outside the home has now become a ‘must have’. It seems that wearing a mask will be our habit in the coming years, in order to protect ourselves from airborne viral and bacterial infections.


Especially when you come home from outside, before eating and after using public transport; Never forget to wash your hands with soap for at least 20 seconds at frequent intervals. Where there is no soap; Make it a habit to use alcohol-based disinfectants, traditional cologne or other disinfecting liquids suitable for the skin.


Especially in your working environment, tables, door handles, faucet on-off handles and electric keys should be sterilized at frequent intervals. Also, don’t forget to sanitize your computer keyboard and phones every day.


Again, not using glasses, forks and spoons together is another important protection method that you should pay attention to in order to prevent the contamination of bacteria and viruses.


Without washing your hands against the risk of contamination of bacteria and viruses; Do not touch your face, especially your mouth and eyes!


Schools, workplaces, public transportation vehicles, all kinds of closed assembly areas or activities also facilitate the transmission of agents that cause sore throat. prof. Dr. Haluk Özkarakaş says, “It is one of the most important protection methods today, against the risk of transmission of viruses and bacteria, not to enter crowded environments unless you have to.”


Even if there is no infection, only smoking or passive exposure to cigarette smoke can irritate the throat and cause pain. Therefore, do not smoke, do not be in smoking environments.

AVOID Caffeine and Alcohol

When you complain of a sore throat, you should avoid drinks containing caffeine and alcohol, because these drinks cause water to be excreted from the body, and as a result, the sore throat increases.


So, does honey relieve a sore throat? Does gargling with vinegar help? Does lemon juice relieve sore throat? prof. Dr. Haluk Özkarakaş states that these methods, which are widely used in the society for sore throat, and the foods consumed can be beneficial as long as they are not exaggerated. However, it is inevitable that they threaten health when they are made or consumed more than necessary. Dr. Haluk Özkarakaş continues:

Apple cider vinegar: With its acidic structure, it can prevent the spread of bacteria by contributing to the breakdown of mucus in the throat. When your throat hurts, you can apply mouthwash in the morning and evening for a few days. But beware! When it is done more than necessary, it can cause damage to the gastric mucosa and ulceration and weakening of the tooth enamel with ingestion.

Lemon juice: Lemon juice, which contains vitamin C and antioxidants, increases the resistance against infection in the throat, as well as helps to keep the mucous membranes moist by increasing the amount of saliva. However, if lemon juice is drunk every day, it can cause bleeding if combined with drugs due to its blood thinning properties. Again, being acidic can lead to weakening of tooth enamel. Therefore, do not consume more than a few days, such as vinegar mouthwash.

Honey: Thanks to the immune-enhancing substances (such as propolis) in its content, it can slow down the proliferation of viruses and bacteria that cause infection, up to a point locally in the throat that it is contaminated with during swallowing. Honey mixed with ginger can also give a feeling of comfort in the throat. However, excessive consumption of honey can cause blood sugar to rise. If you do not have diabetes, you can consume it during pain.
