What is good for hemorrhoids? What are the foods and methods that are good for hemorrhoid treatment?

What is good for hemorrhoids What are the foods and

Hemorrhoids, which is one of the digestive problems, is a discomfort in the anus area and is also known as hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids are divided into two. It is called with different names according to the place where it is found on the skin in the breech area. If the hemorrhoid has spread towards the outside of the anus orifice and has become palpable, it is called external hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids begin to form in the rectum, the last part of the large intestine. If the formation is still in this part, it is called internal hemorrhoid. It mainly affects adults. But it is likely to be seen in young children as well. The main reason is having the wrong toilet habits. However, although this is a general reason, it can also be seen due to eating habits and stress. Hemorrhoids that develop in the intestines cause damage to other tissues and cause the disease to be carried forward. Symptoms often lead to restriction of movements in daily life. If it progresses in this way, unfortunately, it may even result in surgery.

What are the Symptoms of Piles?

For the treatment of hemorrhoids, a diagnosis of hemorrhoids should be applied. It is important to know whether what is going on in this is a sign of hemorrhoids. Symptoms of hemorrhoids:

  • A severe burning sensation during defecation
  • Difficulty defecating despite the urge to defecate
  • Sudden itching sensation in the anus area
  • pain in the anal area
  • Swelling of the skin in the breech area after defecation
  • Formation of lumps called breast in the breech region
  • prolonged constipation

Hemorrhoids is a disorder that is examined in four degrees. The first two degrees are generally of the type that can be passed when regular or fibrous foods are consumed. Hemorrhoids examined in the third or fourth degree are usually palpable in the anus region. As a result of excessive strain during defecation, the veins in the anal region swell, bleed after a while, and the veins expand and become unable to recover, just like in varicose veins. It protrudes beyond the rectum, causing stool to be more difficult than usual. As a result of straining during defecation, hemorrhoids called breasts occur. What is good for hemorrhoids? It may be good to push the lumps that are recommended to be done with exercise to the hemorrhoids breasts inward. In this way, the expanding vessels become more tense, and after a while, the muscles here are helped to revive. When hemorrhoids are not taken into account, they cause cracks by applying pressure to the skin around them after a while. Bleeding is usually caused by cracks. This can also cause burning when urinating. These symptoms experienced in this region cause deterioration of eating habits after a while. It causes a serious problem and is reflected in other digestive system organs. As a result of not looking after the breech area clean and not showing the necessary care, the feces that come into contact with the cracks after a while cause infection. What is good for hemorrhoid pain? Hemorrhoid pains are a type of pain that usually causes difficult moments in the toilet, as well as disturbing afterwards. In general, we can say that hot water sitz baths have a relaxing effect to prevent the veins from contracting too much.

Foods That Are Good For Piles

Thanks to the foods that are good for hemorrhoids, you can contribute to the treatment of hemorrhoids with simple methods at home. Which foods are good for hemorrhoids, which have an important effect on treatment?

1. Yogurt and Kefir

The probiotics in yogurt help increase the good bacteria living in the intestines. Hemorrhoids usually occur as a result of constipation. This constipation is also caused by the defecation of poorly digested food. If you consume a yogurt or kefir with a lot of probiotics, you will help the foods that are not digested in the stomach and not completely broken down in the intestines by the good bacteria. This has a positive effect on constipation. You can also consume probiotic foods after constipation occurs.

If you can make yogurt or kefir by fermenting it at home, you will increase the probiotics even more and help increase the good bacteria. You can have a bowl of yogurt or kefir after or with meals. If you take care to eat at least once a day, there may be a permanent recovery.

2. Fibrous Fruits

While constipation can be one of the consequences of hemorrhoids, it can sometimes be the cause. The symptoms of hemorrhoids are often exacerbated by constipation. Therefore, the problem of constipation must be solved. Some of the natural helper foods for this are oranges, tangerines, plums, cabbage and carrots. If you consume these fruits and vegetables frequently, you will see the beneficial effect of fiber on the intestines in a short time. Fibers help the villi in the intestines to move more efficiently and help the stool to be expelled easily from the intestines.

During the period of constipation, you must create a regular and healthy food list. You should add at least one meal a day of fiber foods to this list. You can eat these foods that you will consume on a daily basis by boiling them a little without allowing them to lose their nutritional value, and you can also add fibrous fruits to snacks.

3. Aloe Vera

Thanks to the beneficial components in aloe vera, it helps the irritated skin to recover and become smooth. Although there are various methods to remove the irritation that occurs during defecation due to hemorrhoids, the most natural and effective one is aloe vera. If you regularly apply aloe vera to the damaged area, both internal and external hemorrhoids are likely to heal.

Apply the gel obtained from the leaves of the aloe vera plant on the crack or nipple in the anus. But make sure the surface is completely clean and dry. In this way, it helps to relax the tense muscles.

If you are going to use it for internal hemorrhoids, after completely peeling the thorny surfaces of the aloe vera leaves, slice them and put them in a bag or container. Then, after making sure that it has completely cooled down, put it on the anus and leave it for a while. It helps to relieve the itching as well as the pain.

4. Lemon Juice

The beneficial acids in the lemon protect the health of the veins. Since hemorrhoids occur as a result of cracking of the capillaries, we can say that lemon is perfect for hemorrhoids. You can achieve a long-term improvement when consumed regularly. The burning sensation and throbbing caused by hemorrhoids can be relieved with lemon juice.

Lemon juice from fresh lemons is poured onto a piece of cotton. Make sure that the breech area where you will apply the cotton is clean and dry. Then, apply the cotton pad to this area with soft movements in the form of a tampon. You may experience a somewhat tingling sensation at first. However, your anxiety will pass with the relief you will experience.

If it is to be used for internal hemorrhoids, you can mix a piece of lemon juice with a cup of milk. This mixture you have prepared is an important application to prevent internal hemorrhoids from turning into external hemorrhoids.

5. Olive oil

Thanks to the antioxidant properties in olive oil, it is a natural solution to many ailments. One of them is hemorrhoids. Olive oil, which helps soften the intestines in particular, helps to expel the stool more easily and helps to relieve pain and inflammation. Since the hardening of the stool with the effect of constipation will also lead to cracks, it also helps to repair these cracks.

If you are going to use olive oil for internal hemorrhoids, you can consume a teaspoon of olive oil every day. It doesn’t matter if you’re hungry or full. If you want an easy drink, you can also mix it with lemon juice. Unsaturated fats in olive oil will reduce the problems in the digestive system after a while.

Olive oil is also very beneficial for the skin. Therefore, it helps to remove, repair and restructure the cracks in the anus region. Dip a piece of cotton in olive oil. Then apply this cotton to the dry and clean breech area. Leave it like this for a while. Make sure to apply it regularly.

6. Apple Cider Vinegar

What is good for hemorrhoids at home? Apple cider vinegar also shows its miracles in hemorrhoids. Thanks to the acids in the apple, it helps the dilated veins to become old, that is, to shrink a little. In this way, the swelling caused by the pressure in the veins is removed. However, if you want to achieve positive results, it would be more beneficial to use apple cider vinegar that you will prepare at home.

If the hemorrhoids have advanced and become external hemorrhoids, pour vinegar on a piece of cotton for this. Then press this cotton swab onto the nipples in the breech area. Because it contains acid, you may experience a tingling first. However, once you see that the itching and swelling are gone, you will realize that the pain is worth it.

Hemorrhoids usually start with internal hemorrhoids. If internal hemorrhoids are taken under control with the right applications, it is a discomfort that can pass in a short time. Pour a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar into a glass of water and mix. If you drink this mixture twice a day, you will feel the effect. If you want to make it a little easier to drink, you can also add a teaspoon of honey.

7. Garlic

Is garlic good for hemorrhoids? Antioxidant substances in garlic help to remove swelling caused by hemorrhoids and to clean the breech area. You can use garlic for both internal and external hemorrhoids. In this way, you can help relieve some of the swelling and thus the strain in the area.

After peeling a couple of cloves of garlic, crush them well with a pestle. Then wrap the garlic in a cheesecloth that you are sure is clean. Press the painful breech area like a tampon. You may feel a burning sensation at first. This means you have a crack. However, after a while, you will see that the itching sensation is gone. At the same time, you can add plenty of garlic to your meals, or even swallow a clove or two of garlic on an empty stomach. This will help your internal hemorrhoids heal.

What Is Good For Hemorrhoids?

There are some methods other than foods that are good for hemorrhoids. With natural treatment methods applied at home, hemorrhoid treatment takes much less time and the patient can get through the process more easily. Home remedies for hemorrhoids:


1. Sitting Bathroom

Is hot water good for hemorrhoids? Yes, one of the most effective methods you will do is sitz baths. The pain and burning sensation experienced especially after defecation can sometimes last for a long time. In this process, even sitting down becomes torture. For times like these, fill a tub or basin with warm water that you can stand. Sit in this water with your knees bent. It is possible to experience an instant sense of relaxation. By doing this process once or twice a day, you can stop the muscles from contracting and in this way help reduce the symptoms.

2. Hemorrhoid Cushion

Hemorrhoids are also caused by constantly sitting on the same hard floor. Hemorrhoids caused by pressure are usually more common in those who work at desk jobs. For this, you can buy a hemorrhoid cushion from a medical professional and place it on your chair and sit. This cushion helps to reduce the load and pressure on the breech area.

3. Turkish Toilets

Turkish style toilets can also be included as a solution at home. Toilet habits are very important in the treatment of hemorrhoids. Nerves must be stimulated to move the intestines. However, European toilets can prevent the signal from going to the brain in this way. This makes it difficult for the bowels to move and causes you to stay on the toilet for a long time – which is one of the behaviors you should not do. Therefore, you should reduce the time you stay in the toilet as much as possible and choose Turkish style toilets.
