What is good for kidney pain? What are the causes and treatment of kidney pain?

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In the case of kidney pain symptoms, medical attention should be sought. Because the kidney is an organ that produces important hormones in the body and is important for life. Therefore, there are many medicinal, natural and herbal remedies for kidney pain.

Why is kidney pain so painful?

Depending on the effect of what is causing the kidney pain, the pain may vary; However, in general, kidney pain is known as a painful condition in the society. The kidney is an organ located in the center of the abdominal region of the body and is in connection with all other organs. If you are wondering what causes kidney pain, you should first know that you should stay away from the factors that can cause it. In order to determine how the pain is, it is important to see if the pain is internal and sharp. Usually, the pain can go out from the kidney area and make your whole stomach hurt. In order to prevent this, you should get the necessary help.

What are the causes of kidney pain?

You most likely have a urinary tract infection and your kidneys may be hurting because of this. Kidney pain can vary widely in terms of causes. Bladder, kidney infection, kidney enlargement, kidney stones are also the main causes of pain. Cancer called kidney cancer or a tumor that occurs in the region and compresses the kidney, and factors such as blood clots also trigger the pain of the kidney. Apart from that, very normally during pregnancy, women’s kidneys can be exposed to pain. Kidney pain may also be caused by a cold. If your waist and feet are exposed to cold, this may cause pain afterwards. Since it is an organ that needs attention, pain can also occur due to factors such as heavy lifting, unconscious sports, not taking enough fluid and genetic factors. Whichever one of the causes of kidney pain you suspect should be treated appropriately. For a more appropriate intervention, you may need to resort to natural solutions or doctor’s control. Other than these, although not common;

  • Traumas
  • Congenital kidney tenderness
  • pleuritis
  • muscle strains
  • gynecological reasons
  • Causes such as rib pain can also cause pain.

Alternative and Natural Remedies for Kidney Pain

It is possible to get rid of your pain almost completely with many natural and herbal methods. If you are wondering what is good for kidney pain, you should know that you should primarily consume natural fruits and vegetables. Eating habits can be the most important thing for a problem-free and healthy life. Since kidney pain is a discomfort with natural remedies, you can first focus on what you can try practically at home. This situation is “What is good for kidney pain?” begs the question. Here are the ones that are good for kidney pain;

  • Lemon water is the biggest helper of kidneys and their efficient functioning. Of course, if you have a concern about blood pressure, the use of lemon may be inconvenient.
  • The biggest remedy for kidney disease is to drink plenty of water and make it a habit.
  • Let the dandelion tea brew and try to consume it once a day. It is known that it treats the areas with digestive problems in the best way.
  • Watermelon seed tea is also one of the best teas for kidney pain.
  • The benefits of celery are endless. By drinking the juice of celery, you can get the vitamins and minerals in your body.
  • Basil juice is also a digestive specialist that will work the metabolism and kidneys. You can also add a slice of lemon to it while boiling it in water and drinking it.
  • Wheatgrass juice is also the most natural plant. Wheatgrass, which contains chlorophyll, vitamins and minerals, should not be consumed too much. Less than 50 ml should be drunk. Too much can tire the kidneys a lot.

Important tricks for your kidney health?

When it comes to health, the slightest pain can bother you all day long. Therefore, there are some points that you should pay attention to. It may not be necessary to wear socks frequently at home; however, leaving the feet in the cold can have dangerous consequences. This can cause kidney pain and cold symptoms to be observed. If your feet are cold, you can probably double your pain if you don’t keep them warm. Apart from this, if you are suffering from severe pain, a hot water bag can also make you feel good for an effective period of time. If you are wondering how kidney pain will go away, it is useful to keep these two methods in mind.

What can be done for kidney pain?

For kidney pain, you can do a research on the symptoms you have noticed first. Afterwards, you can treat kidney pain naturally with plants that you know will not be allergic to you. If your pain continues severely, you may need to go to the hospital as soon as you can. Doctors will help you if you apply to the nephrology unit, which is a kidney-related unit. If it is determined that there is a problem, you can start medication for kidney pain.

How Is Kidney Pain Diagnosed?

If you go to the doctor and describe your pain in detail, the doctor may ask you for a complete blood count (CBC), kidney function (creatinine and BUN) and urine tests. Apart from that, if kidney stones are suspected, CT (Computed Tomography) imaging (renal protocol or spiral CT without contrast) or renal ultrasound can be performed.
