What is good for gingivitis? How does gingivitis pass, is there a home treatment method?

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Gingivitis is caused by a bacterial infection. Sometimes the effects are temporary, but sometimes these inflammations reach a very uncomfortable size. So, what should be done in these cases, what kind of solution should be found?

What is gingivitis?

Gingivitis is a serious condition that must be treated. If not prevented, it can even lead to tooth loss in adults. Inflammation, which was small in size before, can lead to bigger problems if there is no intervention.
The effects of gingivitis include difficulties in speaking and chewing. If you have a new infection, it is easier to prevent it. With the help of regular dental care, adequate cleaning and dental floss, the problem of gingivitis disappears. However, if you have a more advanced problem, it should be followed up in detail and the treatment process should be started without losing time.

What is the Cause of Gum Inflammation?

“Why does gingivitis occur?” The most common answer to the question is undoubtedly; irregular and inadequate dental care. Plaque forms on teeth that are not brushed for a long time. It is possible to eliminate these plaques by regular teeth cleaning. However, if regular maintenance is not done, these dental plaques, which are a thin layer, begin to thicken. These formations, called tartar, are among the causes that directly lead to gingivitis.
Gingivitis is among the problems you may encounter if you smoke heavily, have a broken filling, use different intensities of medication due to illness, have diabetes or have a structural disorder in your teeth. In other words, an inflammation caused only by irregular dental cleaning should not be mentioned.

What are the Symptoms of Gum Inflammation?

Gingivitis symptoms can sometimes be so mild that they go unnoticed. Disrupting your dental cleaning routine in the process you are in can sometimes cause mild inflammation, sometimes it can be a more advanced inflammation. Conditions that may indicate gingivitis include:

  • If you feel swelling and redness in the gums or if you experience a sensitivity similar to gum recession,
  • If your gums bleed when you brush your teeth,
  • If your teeth are loose,
  • If you are sensitive to hot or cold foods,
  • If you feel a strain and pain while speaking, you may be experiencing gingivitis.
    These are among the most widely recognized symptoms of gingivitis. In order to make a full diagnosis, the control and approval of a specialist physician is needed. Only in this way can the right treatment be started.

How Is Gum Inflammation Treated?

After the diagnosis of gingivitis approved by the physician, treatment can be started immediately. Early diagnosis is very important in this treatment. Because early diagnosis means a tooth that will not be lost. It is very important to notice this problem in advance, as it can be mentioned that the tooth may be lost in its advanced dimensions.

How is gingivitis treated? The best solution to answer the question; It includes cleaning the tartar and residues that cause all inflammation in the tooth. Professional gum care is a very important concept. The dentist removes the initial or certain level of gingivitis by cleaning the tartar and doing a general cleaning. After all these applications, you can start to apply the details you need to pay attention to your gingivitis with the instructions of your doctor.

How is gingivitis at home?

So how does gingivitis go away, is there anything we can do about it at home? Suggested; It is to pay attention to the instructions given by the doctor after making the diagnosis and applying the treatment. The most predictable of these instructions would be to pay attention to general oral health.

  • Precautions such as using regular dental floss, brushing the teeth and tongue 3 times a day are applied after the treatment. Apart from this, if you still feel very mild symptoms; Suggestions that you can do at home and which are described as herbal solutions for gingivitis can also be mentioned.
  • Gargling with salt water: Thanks to this mouthwash, which is among the most commonly known methods, the risk of infection by bacteria in the mouth is prevented. You can gargle with 1 teaspoon of salt in 1 glass of water up to 3 times a day.
  • Aloe Vera: Again, it is one of the herbal solution suggestions. Cut this herb and rub the liquid structure in it all over your gums. Leave it for a maximum of 3 minutes and clean it with the help of lukewarm water.
  • Turmeric: Turmeric, which is among the herbal methods known for its healing, is a very effective curative. Mix turmeric powder and some water and rub it on your gums. Take care to apply lightly and leave it for 2-3 minutes. Afterwards, massage and clean with plenty of water. In addition to its edema-reducing effect, turmeric creates a very healthy natural choice, as it also has anti-inflammatory properties.

Apart from natural methods, gingivitis can also be cured with the use of antibiotics. However, you should definitely consult your dentist for the use of antibiotics, and you should definitely not use any antibiotics without their approval.
