He bluntly warned, saying ‘the worst oil there is’!

He bluntly warned saying the worst oil there is

Cancer is one of the diseases that is difficult to diagnose at first. The risk of being overlooked by being confused with other diseases is very high. Many people realize cancer and its symptoms late. The more cancerous cells grow, the more resistant they become to treatment. For this reason, it becomes more important to take measures to minimize the risk of developing cancer rather than cancer treatment. In order to prevent cancer, the most recommended by experts are to adopt a healthy lifestyle, avoid smoking and alcohol.


Dr. According to Earim Chaudry, there are four everyday food items that cause concern, although more research is needed to determine a direct cause. Dr. Hydrogenated vegetable oils, a type of oil that food manufacturers use to keep food fresher longer, raise alarm bells for cancer risk, Chaudry said.


Dr. Earim Chaudry cites research that found that hydrogenated vegetable oils are linked to an increased risk of developing prostate cancer. “These fats are a result of trans fats. Known as the worst type of fat in existence, trans fats are known to contribute to cancer, heart disease, and immune system problems. Moreover, vegetable oils are loaded with unhealthy omega-6 fats that have been linked to heart disease and cancer,” the doctor said. ” said.


Dr. Chaudry said research has shown that salty foods, especially pickled vegetables and salted or pickled fish, can be a significant risk factor for developing stomach cancer.


According to the doctor; Refined sugar, which is obtained from sugar obtained from foods such as sugar cane, sugar beet and corn, needs to be consumed with caution.


“The processed nature of refined sugars can cause cancer cells to metabolize in the body. In addition, these sugars can increase a person’s risk of developing obesity, type 2 diabetes and heart disease,” Dr. Chaudry said. says.
