Apex Legends Mobile global launch date finally revealed

Apex Legends Mobile global launch date finally revealed

Apex Legends Mobile It has been in development for some time and has been going through various early productions. But finally, the mobile global launch date of the popular battle royale game has finally been revealed.

Mobile version of Apex Legends 17 May 2022It will be released worldwide. It will be released on both iOS and Android platforms. If you didn’t know, Apex Legends is one of the most popular multiplayer shooters in the video game industry. And it has a battle royale format for the main game mode. PUBG and mobile hotspot After its success, the studio behind Apex also decided to launch a mobile hotspot.

Although the game has been available in certain regions for a while; The official global release date was not announced until recently. Like this Mobile game from May 17; Finally on Google Play Store and Apple App Store will be available. As of now, the new version one of the most anticipated games and in regions where it is available; It has already had great success.

But now, Apex Legends Mobile will now be available to a wider audience; which means we can expect to see a professional league announcement soon. The game, Titanfall the name behind the series Respawn Entertainment Developed by

See also: Apex Legends Best Loot Points and Tactics
