the answer key is known

the answer key is known

PROOF IF. A first correction of the exercises for the engineering science test for the 2022 baccalaureate is available and will be further refined. Find the corrected on Linternaute.

[Mis à jour le 11 mai 2022 à 19h42] The corrections of the engineering science specialty test for the 2022 baccalaureate are published and available on Linternaute. After racking their brains, candidates can find out whether or not they answered the questions correctly and performed the exam exercises well. It is an associate professor who wrote the answer key after having rubbed shoulders with the subject of SI in the baccalaureate. By consulting the corrections, high school students can get an idea of ​​their mark in the test, which counts for a coefficient of 16 in the final average of the baccalaureate. This afternoon, the candidates worked on wheelchairs, panenka, lactic fermentation of yoghurt or the physics of sound on a multifunction mobile. The test was divided into two parts: engineering sciences and physical sciences. If each counts for 20 points, the first is coefficient 12, when the second is only coefficient 4.

After returning their copy, the candidates wait for the answers, and here they are! A first correction of the subject of the engineering science test, written by a professor, is already available and is gradually being refined. Discover the answers to the exercises below thanks to our en with Studyrama.

The subjects of the Engineering Science (SI) specialty test have been made public. The content of the event, revealed on Linternaute, in partnership with Studyramais presented in four different exercises, which must all be treated, evoking various themes.

A priori, the results of the Engineering Sciences specialty test will be available on July 5, at the same time as the results of the other tests (French, philosophy and major oral). The fact that specialty courses are evaluated one month earlier does not affect the publication of the results.
