Margarita del Val launches a disturbing warning

Margarita del Val launches a disturbing warning

The favorable evolution of the epidemiological situation has allowed that, in recent weeks, the vast majority of the restrictions decreed have been withdrawn. The last one was the mask indoors, which ceased to be mandatory on April 20 except for health and social health centers, in addition to transport.

However, there are still experts who do not consider the pandemic to be over, and warn about the risks that COVID-19 may have. This is the case of Margarita del Val. The CSIC virologist, in an interview with ‘Regional Wave Murcia‘, He emphasized the high number of deaths from coronavirus in this latest wave. “The total number of deceased is very high., more than 16,000 throughout the country. We do not know the number of infections. It’s very serious. We are not at all facing a finished pandemic“, he stated first.

At the same time, he recommended that people who have not yet received any doses of the vaccine be vaccinated. Regarding these people, Del Val argued that the risk of suffering complications from COVID is higher. According to the virologist, this risk could be multiplied by 30. “There is a fifth protein-based vaccine for those who do not have confidence in this vaccine. I encourage you to consider it.”

These were his words about the novavax vaccinea dose that is based on a stabilized form of the S protein of the virus, for which a technology of nanoparticles of recombinant protein. In this way, it became the first protein-based vaccine against COVID-19, a factor that differentiates it from the rest of the doses used to vaccinate the population.

Correct ventilation, a key factor

Finally, Margarita del Val proposed that work be done to have cleaner air and explained the reasons that make this factor a necessary element. “We would save respiratory diseasesand we would also make an unknown pandemic more difficult.”

On previous occasions, the virologist insisted on the need to guarantee proper ventilation in interior spaces. After removing the mask indoors, Del Val advised the installation of CO2 meters that indicate “how much the air is breathed by other people” in places where crowds form. If you can ventilate properly with air conditioners or by opening doors and windows, great. If not, filters should be installed.“, he expressed.

Two months ago, in another interview which granted to ‘Antenna 3‘, already reported a greater probability of contagion if the restrictions were lifted. “Until all Spaniards are infected with Omicronthe waves won’t really go down again,” he declared in March.
