Awakening: British and Estonian leaders visit Finland Moments of resolving the municipal wage dispute

Awakening British and Estonian leaders visit Finland Moments of resolving

We will tell you the news and topics of the day quickly.

The British Prime Minister and the President of Estonia will visit Finland

Two prominent European leaders will pop up in Helsinki on Wednesday. As well as the President of Estonia Alar Karis that the British Prime Minister Boris Johnson visit the president Sauli Niinistö. Finland is cooperating with Britain on defense. Last week, the country’s defense minister promised that Britain would be safe if Finland got into trouble during the NATO process or otherwise.

Employees in the municipal sector and the employer will respond to the settlement proposal at 12 noon

One should ask about intimate partner violence, like alcohol

Domestic violence causes a wide range of health problems, including depression and physical illness. Less than one percent of victims are identified in health care, even though they use up to 80 percent more services than others. Postdoctoral researcher Heli Siltalan considers that intimate partner violence could be made a similar screening issue to alcohol use.

You want to get rid of the statue of Lenin, but Alexander is ok in the street scene

The Lenin statue in Kotka has been left on the street for the time being. Turku decided two weeks ago to remove its own statue of Lenin from the city center, as it has repeatedly aroused emotion and debate in the public and in the media. According to experts, there are other statues in Finland that could be removed with the same logic.

Rainfall all over Finland

A large rainfall area has arrived from the west during the night, bringing rainfall all over the country. From the morning the rainy area moves north and in the south it rains in the afternoon. Read more about weather on ‘s weather website.
