Cyberattack on Rutube: Russian YouTube paralyzed

Cyberattack on Rutube Russian YouTube paralyzed

Since the May 9 celebration day in Russia, the online video streaming service Rutube has been down. It is the victim of a powerful cyberattack which deleted all or part of its content.

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On May 9, the whole planet had the eyes turned towards Moscow. Like every year on this date, Tverskaya Avenue was taken over for the great military parade annual celebrating the victory of the Great Patriotic War. But, contrary to what many experts thought, no surprise armament, noIlyushin II-80 in the Muscovite sky, or other planes for that matter. No speech announcing the nuclear apocalypse, or a general mobilization on the part of Vladimir Putin. Spectators were instead treated to a reminder of the justification for the invasion of Ukraine.

On the other hand, this May 9, in addition to the absence of a truce in Ukraine, the day was marked two other events. First, the pirating of the program names of all the TVs. They were all renowned with this message: “ You have on your hands the blood of thousands of Ukrainians and their hundreds of murdered children. The TV and the authorities lie. No to war “. Then another quieter event: a giant blackout of Rutube that Futura was able to observe from the beginning of the afternoon yesterday. Rutube, as its name suggests, is Russian YouTube. It is a platform of video on demand equivalent to YouTube, but mainly Russian-speaking. And it’s not a breakdown, by the way, but a massive attack suffered by the service. The site currently displays a message stating in Russian: “ The site is in technical works. The site has been attacked. For the moment the situation is under control. User data has been saved”.

90% of backups affected

According to the account Telegram from Rutube, don’t panic, the backups of the data would not have disappeared, but insistent rumors suggest that the attack may have led to the deletion of all the videos on the site, as well as the loss of the source code. Informations denied by Rutube who nevertheless admitted that 90% of the backups were affected. For the moment, this attack described as ” powerful by the service, has not been assigned or claimed.

You should know that, as in China, the Russians use Russian-speaking Web services which are often close to what the Americans have implemented since the 2000s. Facebook and sound Messenger, we use VKontakt (VK) and its messenger. Instead of Google, it’s Yandex. All these services are more or less related to the Kremlin, to oligarchs or companies close to power. By anti-Americanism, because the Russian language is directly integrated on Rutube and also because the contents are more adapted, even chosen, Rutube and very popular in Russia. It is also a lawless area where you can freely find a great deal of content usually protected by copyright.

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