Stock PS5: stocks this Tuesday live

Stock PS5 stocks this Tuesday live

Although May is a bit of a special month for PS5 buyers, with extremely limited stocks, it is still possible to find the console. And traditionally, the action takes place on Tuesday and Wednesday mornings.

[Mis à jour le 10 mai 2022 à 07h00] We are in May, the weather is nice and it is hot and what better than to seek to obtain a PS5 to spend this end of spring locked up avoiding sunburn? Not much indeed. Still many French people are trying to get their hands on Sony’s infamous console, which has become almost a collector’s item since its release in 2020. Since then, the console has become rare, victim of the shortage of semiconductors hitting the chip market electronics. A situation that should last until 2024, according to the gloomy estimates of the Intel company. But it is not impossible to get your hands on the precious next-gen console, which is why we detail the evolution of its stocks live.

Stock monitoring for Tuesday May 10 live

  • 07:00 : So far, no news of a restock has yet hit the PS5 planet this Monday.

How to buy a PS5 in 2022?

After a month rich in stock for the Sony console, restocking is slowing down, except for a few copies put on sale by Auchan on Monday. But the situation is a good omen for potential buyers of the Playstation 5, who are seeing an increase in the “drops” of the console. If you want to prepare effectively for the next restocking (which will probably take place this Tuesday morning), you can always consult the various tips, techniques and buying advice on our article below:

No PS5 until 2024?

The month of May starts with bad news that can be found in an article by CNBC. In a recent interview with Pat Gelsinger, the CEO of Intel, the newspaper posed the sore question, and asked for an estimated duration of the shortage of semiconductors which penalizes the computer markets, home consoles and of the automobile. The answer is not very reassuring:We believe the global semiconductor shortage will extend into 2024, despite our previous estimates (2023), as shortages are now hitting equipment and some production lines will be under severe strain.“Bad news for the home console and graphics card market.
