Last minute: Armed attack in Nigeria! There are many dead

Last minute The world stood up after Putins decision in

Breaking news… 48 people lost their lives in an armed attack in Nigeria’s Zamfara state.


Attacks on villages by criminal gangs continue in Nigeria. An armed group attacked 3 villages in the country’s Zamfara province. While 48 people lost their lives in the attack, Bakura Regional Manager Aminu Suleiman said in a statement regarding the attack, “Armed men on motorcycles attacked 3 villages. In the attack, 48 people lost their lives and many were injured. The attackers burned a police patrol vehicle and killed two security guards. Many houses were also set on fire,” he said.

In the country, more than 50 people lost their lives in the raids carried out by gunmen in Zamfara province on 17 January. (UAV)
